Morlaix. End clap for the Morlais Evenings Facebook page

In fifteen years, the community had reached over 11,500 people. The Soirées Morlaisiennes Facebook page is going through its last moments, this Friday, May 14, 2021. Its administrator, Rémi Roussel, has decided to close it. “Too complicated and too addicting”, he will not follow up on this great adventure. He shared news and novelties there. … Read more

Facebook tags the pages so you know what to expect when you visit them, how? | Lifestyle

Internet and social networks are constant sources of information. Not just from professionally verified news, but also personal comments, joking, satirical or ironic publications that if they do not notify us we can understand that they are true. So they cause a huge amount of misunderstandings that cause not a few discussions, risque comments and … Read more

Young people no longer worry (enough) about AIDS

The association Sidaction worries. According to an Ifop survey, published Monday, young people aged 15 to 24 (1,002 surveyed) have an increasingly limited knowledge of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. And more and more of them are reactivating old prejudices: 24% think that the virus is transmitted by kissing an HIV-positive person (15% in … Read more

Large Scale Testing: Bilan et perspectives (11.03.2021)

11-03-2021 At the press conference held on 11.03.2021, Minister of Health Paulette Lenert gave an update on the test strategy in the fight against the coronavirus. The press conference was an opportunity to review the conclusions of the first phase of large-scale screening (LST1) of the research taskforce, to draw a first preliminary assessment of … Read more

A reliable partner even in difficult times – LVM Versicherung Axel Lukat sponsors VfB Sattenhausen

Sponsoring – In difficult Corona times, the sports clubs are all the more dependent on the support of their sponsors and supporters. It is all the more gratifying that we have a reliable partner at our side in LVM Versicherung Axel Lukat. After we had already received a set of jerseys in the past, Mr. … Read more

Friends of Tetuán de las Victorias: when a Facebook page is the square and the neighborhood archive

Frequently, we perceive the world of the digital as contrary to that of encounters in the street, something like the gravedigger’s sand that, in the form of bits, It covers the old neighborhood, which we think is made by streets of the tones that have the memories of childhood. However, there are spaces in the … Read more

The FMM launches capsules with music teachers for you to interact with the sounds

This project will be published every Wednesday at 4:00 PM starting on February 3. – Editorial Information Because music is lived every day, the Morelia Miguel Bernal Jiménez Music Festival will stay close to you with the “Learn with the Festival” program, which is made up of different capsules in which you will create music … Read more

REPORTAGE. Barricaded and traumatized, Washington turns the Trump page without regret

When Barack Obama left power, Washington was finally starting to be known for more than its political buildings. Many chefs have put the American capital on the gastronomic map, and travel magazines make it the subject of their pages evasion , in the footsteps of this president cool who did not hesitate to leave the … Read more

Telemundo 47 and NBC 4 New York’s “Proyecto Innovación” subsidy program returns with more funds in 2021 – Telemundo New York (47)

TELEMUNDO 47 AND NBC 4 NEW YORK’S COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM “INNOVATION PROJECT” OPENS IN 2021 WITH MORE FUNDS FORT LEE, NJ – (Jan 8, 2021) – Telemundo 47 / WNJU, NBC 4 New York / WNBC and Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation will introduce their competitive grant program, Project Innovation for the fourth consecutive year when grant … Read more

the CNLS once again supports the Fann hospital with a donation of equipment for the management of serious cases

As part of the fight against Covid 19, the National Council for the Fight Against AIDS has just donated equipment to Fann hospital again to support the care of the sick. It’s the Dr Fatou Nar Mbaye Diouf, Deputy Executive Secretary the National AIDS Control Council (CNLS) which handed over this material to the Director … Read more