Undeclared allergen milk in “hemp dessert chocolate” of the brand “SOJADE” – CleanKids Magazin

Allergens labeling Food recall Consumer protection The company TRIBALLAT NOYAL informs about the recall of the article “Hanfdessert Schokoladen” of the brand “SOJADE” with the expiry date of July 10, 2020. As the company announces, the undeclared allergen MILCH has been detected. People who have eaten the products mentioned and who have symptoms of an … Read more

Covid-19: Pregnant women are more depressed with the crisis, study finds

In this very anxiety-provoking current period, pregnant women are not spared. According to a study by Nicolas Berthelot, professor in the Department of Nursing Sciences at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR), and his colleague Roxanne Lemieux, among 1,754 Quebec women, it seems that anxiety or depressive symptoms have been observed in pregnant women … Read more

Academician Zverev told when mass vaccination against coronavirus begins

The mayor Moscow Sergei Sobyanin He admitted that restrictive measures can remain until doctors create a vaccine. How are the developments going? When will the vaccine be available for mass use? Scientists discussed these issues during an online meeting of the RAS Scientific Council on the topic: “Vaccines for COVID-19: forecasts and reality,” which was … Read more

Corona: Newborn Infected – Was It Infected SO?

Corona: Newborn Infected – Was It Infected SO? – Updated: on May 25th, 2020 at 9:19 am- Conspiracy theories – why they attract so many people in crises – – 5G networks, Bill Gates, a laboratory accident in Wuhan: There are numerous conspiracy theories surrounding the origin of Covid-19. This is not a surprise for … Read more

New coronavirus detected in breast milk for the first time – CleanKids Magazine

Breastfeeding Covid-19 Virus Breastmilk For the first time, Ulm virologists have detected the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the breast milk of an infected woman. Her infant also developed COVID-19. However, it is unclear whether the child has actually been infected through breast milk. Nevertheless, the article published in the renowned journal “The Lancet” provides information … Read more

INTERVIEW. Gautier Capuçon: “As a child, I looked admiring” Le Grand Échiquier “”

Gautier Capuçon, the musical juror of Wonders and invited with his brother Renaud from Large chessboard , collaborated in the collective concert Symphony for life, in support of Foundation of Hospitals of France-Hospitals of Paris (album release June 12 at Warner Classic). What are you going to play and share on the stage of the … Read more

Covid-19: on the trail of the enigmatic “patient zero”

What if the coronavirus epidemic had started in France well before the end of January? “The first cases of Covid-19? We will surely have surprises ”, says Professor William Dab, former director general of health. “The first cases surely occurred well before the start of 2020, contrary to what we initially thought, abounds Dominique Costagliola, … Read more

Elsa Faucillon: “Tipping can tip to the worst”

The Hauts-de-Seine deputy, Elsa Faucillon, observes the period a little like all heads on the left. A touch of hope and another of fear. The communist does not know which side will drop the ball after the damage from the health crisis. She warns: the left, whatever its color, must not hide, let alone disappoint. … Read more

France: child with form close to Kawasaki disease has died

Un 9-year-old child, suffering from symptoms of a form close to Kawasaki disease described in young patients who have been in contact with the coronavirus, is dead, first death of this type in France, we learned on Friday with his doctor. The child, who died of “neurological damage related to cardiac arrest”, had “serology showing … Read more

Marlène Schiappa: “I fear a renewed violence against women”

In the closed confinement, women were subjected to violence. The alert has been given. An arsenal of measures deployed. Will they last? Interview with Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State for Gender Equality. Do we now have a precise picture of the outbreak of violence against women during confinement? All our indicators show an increase in … Read more