Don’t push baby in the comp

“Exposing young children to screens is a public health problem.” The statement slams. Especially falling from a study published by the agency Public Health France in its weekly epidemiological bulletin of January 14. Especially since this conclusion is shared by a team of international researchers who released this Wednesday its work on the impact of … Read more

Religious Affairs President Erbaş “number of children” description!

Ali Erbaş, the President of Religious Affairs, came to Ordu to attend a series of programs. Dr. Ali Akdogan visited his office. Here, on the question of members of the press, the number of children per family in the description of the research fell below two Erbas, Religious Affairs as the Presidency, stressed that they … Read more

6-year-old boy slips from chair lift: doctor grabs him by the lapel: save

From Campiglio to Paganella, from Primiero San Martino di Castrozza to Belvedere Col Rodella, from Folgarida to Polsa. Just yesterday, there were over 60 emergency responders from 118 in the various ski areas of Trentino, stormed by numerous tourists in these early days of the year. For eight different situations, the medical helicopter was also … Read more

Lera Kudryavtseva was first published after the operation to remove implants

New Year’s Eve Lera Kudryavtseva landed in the hospital: 48-year-old TV presenter underwent an emergency operation to remove breast implants. 10 days after surgery, Lera was able to not only return from the hospital home to celebrate the New Year, but also began to go out. TV presenter came to see a new show Eugene … Read more

Japan: a “flesh-eating” micro organism spreads and sows terror

Japan: a “flesh-eating” micro organism spreads and sows terror

Streptococcus A infections: Wallonia desires to be reassuring And when it takes maintain, the set up can do injury. First, easy redness seems, then the tissues swell, generally inside a couple of hours, and the an infection spreads rapidly. The ache then turns into extra extreme than what a primary examination of the lesions may … Read more