MRT as your own bed!Lovers “lie down in a row of chairs and overlap up and down” the super passionate passenger embarrassed: all the way

(Photo/Flip-shot Jimu News) – — A+ A- Couples in love will inevitably make some intimate actions, but if they do not shy away in public, it is quite embarrassing in the eyes of outsiders. When a couple in Shanghai, China took the MRT, they occupied the entire row of seats. The girls directly pressed on … Read more

Love and friendship in a children’s playground for couples!Passersby’s persuasion is invalid… The two change positions and do it again

(Photo/Retrieved from the Second Hall of Blast Commune) – — A+ A- Recently, when a couple was in Taipei’s New Children’s Park, they ignored everyone’s gaze and staged a “glorious relationship” on the food street. The woman sat face to face on her boyfriend’s lap. However, because it is a children’s park, many children pass … Read more

[Pick] A’dog collar’ around her husband’s neck… A couple’s absurd excuse for breaking the corona curfew

▲ The picture above is not directly related to the content of the article. As part of the COVID-19 quarantine, a ridiculous’trick’ has emerged in Quebec, Canada, where a night curfew was issued. On the 12th local time, Canadian CTV News and other foreign media reported that a couple living in Sherbrooke, Quebec, had been … Read more

Protest against the “eviction” of a “vulnerable” retired couple in Irun

The platforms Stop Evictions, Alokairu Benta Berri and Inquilinos Azora They have called for a concentration this Tuesday in front of the Banco Sabadell branch on Avenida de la Libertad in San Sebastián against the “eviction by the real estate company of this entity, Solvia”, of a “vulnerable” retired couple, guarantors of the Your son’s … Read more

Japan and China congratulations on Son Ye-jin and Hyun-bin

[연합뉴스 자료사진] -As the news of the relationship between top actors of the same age’Hyunbin’ and’Son Yejin’ became known, congratulatory messages are pouring out from overseas, including Japan and China. In particular, Japan delivered this news in real time from the 1st to the 2nd as soon as the two actors admitted that they were … Read more

Crack: rumors of a new rivalry between Queen Elizabeth, Harry and Meghan Markle grow

A renowned expert on royal issues, Sean Smith, said that the Dukes of Sussex should take over a historic work of Queen Elizabeth II, giving rise to speculation of a new confrontation between members of the British crown Every year, the reina Isabell II distinguish in a Author of recent biography Meghan Misunderstood, Sean Smith … Read more

A five-month-old pregnant trans man will have a baby from his trans woman partner – ADNSur

BUENOS AIRES – With a first child growing in her womb, Franco Di Pietro, 28, is one of the pregnant people that the abortion legalization project that began to be debated in Congress talks about, since trans men also , intersex and gender fluid people can both get pregnant and give birth and want to … Read more

A baby is born from an embryo frozen for 27 years

Tina and Ben Gibson have broken their own record with the birth of Molly, since they already have another daughter who was conceived from a brother embryo that was frozen for 24 years. – The insemination of this donated embryo was carried out by the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC), a fertility center with a … Read more

Caught cheating at the motel, a wife hiding on the roof of the yard all

MANILA, – A wife is hiding on the roof of the “love motel” after her husband caught her cheating on him with another man, reports The Sun, Thursday (3/12/2020). The incident recorded in this video documents the seconds of the Filipino woman being caught. The police seemed to use the stairs to reveal the … Read more