How important is blood oxygen saturation for a runner?

Pulse oximetry has become a particularly hot topic with COVID-19. Sales of finger pulse oximeters in the United States rose 527 percent the week the first COVID-19 case was confirmed, and have since continued to grow according to data released by Quartz. “COVID-19 is a virus that attacks the lungs, and obviously it can potentially … Read more

Israeli doctor dispels myths popular among Russians about COVID-19 coronavirus

Israeli doctor Boris Bril, who specializes in the treatment of coronavirus, dispelled the myths about the infection that exist in Russia. According to him, first of all, Russian doctors make the wrong diagnosis. This is reported by “Actual News”. According to the doctor, coronavirus is primarily a disease that affects the lungs, but not pneumonia. … Read more

“My husband and I are on the list of those who will be the first to get themselves vaccinated against COVID-19”

What is happening now in Permian medicine? And what can we expect next when the flu comes? The most pressing questions were answered by the Chief Sanitary Doctor for the Perm Territory Vitaly Kostarev, the Regional Minister of Health Oksana Melekhova and the chief freelance doctor – infectious disease specialist of the Perm Territory Valery … Read more