8-M | The UPCT and the businesswomen ask for more education in equality to reverse the imbalance in managerial positions

8-M |  The UPCT and the businesswomen ask for more education in equality to reverse the imbalance in managerial positions

‘Women leaders: for an equal future in the world of Covid-19’ is the theme that the United Nations chose this year to vindicate on the International Day of Working Women and on which researchers and businesswomen linked to the Polytechnic University of Cartagena in a colloquium on the occasion of 8-M in which they have … Read more

The Covid causes a setback in terms of gender equality | Fortune

The Covid causes a setback in terms of gender equality |  Fortune

Experts predict that the Covid-19 crisis has meant a five-year advance in many industries, especially in terms of digitization. But this evolution has not been uniform across the board. In addition to the health catastrophe, the pandemic has meant a step backwards in some social rights, as is the case with gender equality. This is … Read more

Sharp criticism of servicemen in Nové Město. An American biathlete is outraged by photographs of scantily clad girls

Sharp criticism of servicemen in Nové Město.  An American biathlete is outraged by photographs of scantily clad girls

The biathlon elite will fight for World Cup points in Nové Město from March 4 to 14. Even before the first races started in the Vysočina Arena, the American biathlete Susan Dunklee drew attention to herself. She posted a photo of the service cell on the Instagram social network, in the window of which hung … Read more

The British variant causes an outbreak of 62 COVID-19 infections in a Barakaldo gym

The British variant causes an outbreak of 62 COVID-19 infections in a Barakaldo gym

The variant of the Sars-Cov-2 VUI / 2020/12/01, detected at source in the United Kingdom, is advancing in the Basque Country and already represents 29.3% of all positives. In this context, the Basque Health Service (Osakidetza) has reported that a first major outbreak associated with this mutation has already been detected, with a total of … Read more

“Textbooks are full of stereotypes”

“Textbooks are full of stereotypes”

Barbara Mcclintock. Inge Lehmann. Or Angela Ruiz Robles. To the vast majority of citizens these names will not tell you anything. But if we talk about Albert Einstein, Alexander Fleming or Erwin Schrödinger, it is very likely that they know who we are talking about. The former were also brilliant scientists but Because of her … Read more

The inequality virus

The inequality virus

Oxfam reveals how, despite the crisis, the wealthiest billionaires regained their pre-pandemic wealth in just 9 months when it could take more than 10 years for the poorest people to recover from the economic impacts of the crisis. pandemic. The trend is the same in France: French billionaires have not only regained their pre-crisis fortunes … Read more

S&D parliamentary group: New tough EU sanctions must follow if Russia does not release Alexej Navalny immediately

S&D parliamentary group: New tough EU sanctions must follow if Russia does not release Alexej Navalny immediately

In today’s plenary debate, the Socialist Group in the European Parliament condemned the arrest of Alexei Navalny, one of Russia’s most influential dissidents and anti-corruption activists. Navalny was arrested on his return to Moscow after spending five months in Germany last August due to near-fatal poisoning. The S&D group calls for a strong reaction from … Read more

Health, education, energy, interprofessional strike of February 4: why mobilizations?

Health, education, energy, interprofessional strike of February 4: why mobilizations?

[Solidaires en action] Health, Education, energy, interprofessional strike of February 4: why mobilizations? from Union Syndicale SOLIDAIRES on Vimeo. [Solidaires en action] Health, education, energy, interprofessional strike of February 4: why mobilizations? Interview with SUD Énergie, SUD Santé sociaux, SUD Éducation and Gaëlle Martinez from the national secretariat. The links : https://vimeo.com/501833851 https://youtu.be/MqNQYRoDeFc https://fb.watch/35uu93U-_-/ – … Read more

Telemundo 47 and NBC 4 New York’s “Proyecto Innovación” subsidy program returns with more funds in 2021 – Telemundo New York (47)

Telemundo 47 and NBC 4 New York’s “Proyecto Innovación” subsidy program returns with more funds in 2021 – Telemundo New York (47)

TELEMUNDO 47 AND NBC 4 NEW YORK’S COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM “INNOVATION PROJECT” OPENS IN 2021 WITH MORE FUNDS FORT LEE, NJ – (Jan 8, 2021) – Telemundo 47 / WNJU, NBC 4 New York / WNBC and Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation will introduce their competitive grant program, Project Innovation for the fourth consecutive year when grant … Read more