Test capacity: Pool method enables mass tests against coronavirus

A test procedure against the new coronavirus developed by homologists from Homburg allows more people to be tested in less time. With the so-called pool method, several patient samples are examined simultaneously in the same test tube. The samples are then analyzed individually only if the result is positive. This saves test material and laboratory … Read more

Coronavirus. The Breton sea worm test suspended in emergency

The Medicines Agency urgently suspended this Thursday the test of a molecule from the blood of a sea worm, promoted by a Breton company. A 2011 study on pigs would have resulted in 100% lethality. The investigational product had not yet been administered to patients. The clinical trial which planned to administer to patients with … Read more

The Hubble Space Telescope is 30 years old. NASA revealed a new picture taken by him

The name space telescope was 30 years old: on April 24, 1990, the Discovery Shuttle STS-31 launched with the device on board and put it into the calculated orbit the next day. NASA on the 30th anniversary of the telescope has published a new image: the Hubble captured the nebula NGC 2014 and NGC 2020 … Read more

Implementations available for PS4 and Xbox One

The science fiction adventure Deliver Us The Moon is now also available for PS4 and Xbox One. As Publisher Wired Productions announces, the price for the standard edition is 24.99 euros. The physical Deluxe Edition, which includes the soundtrack and a 100-page digital artbook in addition to the game, will only be released on August … Read more

“Feel like a ghost in a ghost town.” The Rolling Stones released their first song in eight years. Of course, about isolation

The Rolling Stones released a video for the song “Living In a Ghost Town” – this is the first original composition of the team since 2012. — “Life was so beautiful, then we were all locked up. Feel like a ghost in a ghost town, ”Mick Jagger sings, while the video shows footage of deserted … Read more

Companies & Markets – Seat powers up and tests 15,000 employees

Corona test at Seat. Photo: Auto-Medienportal.Net/Seat – The Spanish VW subsidiary Seat will gradually ramp up production at its Spanish locations on April 27. In the wake of the Corona crisis, the car manufacturer temporarily ceased operations there. To protect employees from infection with the Covid-19 pathogen, Seat, in coordination with union representatives, has decided … Read more

Why stars are taken to hospitals with pneumonia, but at the same time they don’t find coronavirus

The pandemic seemed to many to be something far away, until the hospital beds in Kommunark and other clinics filled up thousands of patients, including stellar ones. One of the first coronavirus seized 78-year-old Lev Leshchenko. Fortunately, the pop artist has already been discharged from the clinic. And here is the 70 year old Nadezhda … Read more

Russian e-sportsmen Virtus.pro win Dota 2 tournament – Meduza

Virtus.pro, a Russian Dota 2 esports team, won the ESL One Los Angeles 2020 league, follows from the standings on cybersport.ru. In the final, Virtus Pro beat the European OG with a score of 3: 2. According to cybersport.ru, the Russian team reached the grand finals of the tournament without defeats. — Virtus.pro team received … Read more

“I try to go to the simple” Apple releases a documentary mini-film about Scryptonite and his album “2004”. Trailer premiere

On April 20, Apple Music will release a 10-minute documentary “Behind the Scenes of 2004 with Scryptonite,” in which rapper Adil Jalelov will tell you how he worked on his 2004 album, which was released in 2019. The project Apple Music and the American studio Scheme Engine is part of a documentary series about albums … Read more