The Ministry of Public Well being factors out that hypertension, if not handled, is harmful

The Ministry of Public Well being factors out that hypertension, if not handled, is harmful

The Division of Medical Companies advises towards hypertension You must monitor your well being often yearly. If left for a very long time, issues can happen. Cardiovascular system, mind system, and eye system point out that blood stress better than 135/85 millimeters of mercury, is vulnerable to sickness, and might trigger arteriosclerosis or obstruction. On … Read more

Stroke can assault folks as younger as 20 years previous, this is why

Stroke can assault folks as younger as 20 years previous, this is why

Jakarta – Stroke is commonly seen as a horrible illness. Not solely does it usually come out of the blue with out signs, a stroke also can trigger everlasting incapacity within the sufferer. Referring to Medical Information At present, a stroke itself is often brought on by 2 issues. The primary is that the arteries … Read more

Rising Concern of High Blood Pressure in Thailand and Its Impact on Society and Economy

Rising Concern of High Blood Pressure in Thailand and Its Impact on Society and Economy

In the past, the results of the survey on patients with high blood pressure in Thailand between 2004 and 2009 was 21% due to the nature of society changing to an urban society leading to more pressure height Eating food that tastes salty makes people fatter. Causes the movement of people to high blood pressure, … Read more

Improving Health with Laser Technology: Meity Pujiati Intama’s Story

Improving Health with Laser Technology: Meity Pujiati Intama’s Story

Meity Pujiati Intama had health problems that felt very fast and felt very disturbing. Meity admitted that just a year and a half ago, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. After that, about 6 months ago, he suddenly experienced tachycardia, which is a condition where the heart beats more than 100 times … Read more

Periodontal Disease: The Link to High Blood Pressure and Arteriosclerosis

Periodontal Disease: The Link to High Blood Pressure and Arteriosclerosis

Periodontal disease is said to be a common disease that affects more than 80% of the middle-aged population. (Image source: Adobe Stock) Creating mirror websites on Chinese websites is prohibited. Introduction:An infectious disease that affects blood pressure and causes arteriosclerosis.periodontal disease“Medical research shows that periodontal bacteria can be found in most plaques and oxidized cholesterol … Read more

Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics lower cholesterol, a risk factor for metabolic syndrome Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Modified 2024.04.01 10:02 Views 130 20% of total cholesterol is mainly absorbed through food intake and the remaining 70% is formed in the liver, so achieving the balance is not easy. When balance is off, the body sends various abnormal … Read more

Worrying Trend: Female Patients Over 50 Experiencing Rapid Increase Due to Hormonal Changes and Bad Eating Habits

Worrying Trend: Female Patients Over 50 Experiencing Rapid Increase Due to Hormonal Changes and Bad Eating Habits

There is a rapid increase in female patients over the age of 50… Hormonal changes + bad eating habits Entered 2024.03.10 11:14 Entered 2024.03.10 11:14 Modified 2024.03.10 16:57 Views 10,834 Hyperlipidemia in women increases significantly after the age of 50. This is because estrogen (female hormone), which protects the blood and blood vessels, is disappearing … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Disease Prevention by Age: 20s to 60s

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Disease Prevention by Age: 20s to 60s

Lifestyle habits to follow and diseases to watch out for from 20s to 60s Posted 2024.03.09 12:05 Posted 2024.03.09 12:05 Modified 2024.03.09 10:49 Views 228 To live a healthy life, you must pay attention to health management from your 20s. [사진=클립아트코리아] In order to enjoy a healthy life without getting sick, you need to follow … Read more

Initiative Aims to Detect and Treat Preeclampsia Earlier to Reduce Maternal Mortality

Initiative Aims to Detect and Treat Preeclampsia Earlier to Reduce Maternal Mortality

Preeclampsia Detection Initiative Aims to Reduce Maternal Mortality Maternal Mortality: A Leading Cause Goes Undetected until it’s Too Late A leading cause of maternal mortality often goes unnoticed. By the time it’s diagnosed, it’s sometimes too late to stem the damage. Preeclampsia: A Serious Condition with Far-Reaching Consequences Doctors typically do not identify preeclampsia, a … Read more