Understanding and Treating Bacterial Vaginitis, Candida Vaginitis, Trichomonas Vaginitis, and More: Symptoms and Treatments

Understanding and Treating Bacterial Vaginitis, Candida Vaginitis, Trichomonas Vaginitis, and More: Symptoms and Treatments

Bacterial vaginitis, Candida vaginitis, Trichomonas vaginitis, etc. Entered 2024.04.06 07:40 Entered 2024.04.06 07:40 Modified 2024.04.04 11:05 Views 3 Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a fishy odor. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Vaginitis is common enough to be called a woman’s cold. Nevertheless, if left untreated, it can progress to pelvic inflammatory disease. In severe cases, infertility and chronic pelvic … Read more

Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics lower cholesterol, a risk factor for metabolic syndrome Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Modified 2024.04.01 10:02 Views 130 20% of total cholesterol is mainly absorbed through food intake and the remaining 70% is formed in the liver, so achieving the balance is not easy. When balance is off, the body sends various abnormal … Read more

How to Boost Your Immunity: Importance of Gut Health, Stress Management, and Sleep

How to Boost Your Immunity: Importance of Gut Health, Stress Management, and Sleep

Intake of fiber, which feeds intestinal microorganisms, stress management, and sufficient sleep are also important. Entered 2024.01.09 20:06 Views 4 Entered 2024.01.09 20:06 Modified 2024.01.08 18:09 Views 4 The flu is rampant across the country this winter. In times like these, it is more important to take care of your immunity. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The flu is rampant … Read more

Boosting Immunity and Heart Health: The Benefits of Adding Broccoli to Your Yogurt

Boosting Immunity and Heart Health: The Benefits of Adding Broccoli to Your Yogurt

Adding broccoli helps improve immunity and heart health… It also has a good texture. Entered 2023.12.19 18:22 Views 443 Entered 2023.12.19 18:22 Modified 2023.12.19 18:45 Views 443 What foods are good to eat with yogurt? Nuts are the most popular, but vegetables such as broccoli can also have a synergistic effect. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The number of people … Read more

Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Bacteria in Lactobacillus regulate the immune system of depression input 2023.12.02 13:00 Views 48 input 2023.12.02 13:00correction 2023.12.02 12:07 Views 48 A bacterium called Lactobacillus, found in fermented foods and yogurt, has been shown to play an important role in stress management and could potentially help prevent conditions like depression and anxiety. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Research has … Read more

A betrayal of soybean paste and kimchi?… What are your efficient eating habits?

A betrayal of soybean paste and kimchi?… What are your efficient eating habits?

Soybean paste is effective in preventing breast and ovarian cancer, but eating too much salt increases the risk of stomach cancer. input 2023.11.25 17:28 Views 1,503 input 2023.11.25 17:28correction 2023.11.25 17:41 Views 1,503 Soybean paste soup is good for your health, but it is important to make it not too salty. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Kimchi and soybean … Read more

The Power of Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning

The Power of Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning

It’s best to drink water first thing in the morning right after waking up… It helps increase metabolism and improve blood health. Entered 2023.11.06 16:40 Views 422 Entered 2023.11.06 16:40 Modified 2023.11.06 16:14 Views 422 Drinking lukewarm water right after waking up in the morning helps increase the body’s metabolism. Drinking coffee after filling the … Read more