Fact Check: No Link Between Migraine and Cerebral Hemorrhage Risk, Neurology Institute Confirms

Fact Check: No Link Between Migraine and Cerebral Hemorrhage Risk, Neurology Institute Confirms

According to information about the matterI have a migraine. The risk of cerebral hemorrhage is 46% higher than normal people. The Anti-Fake News Center has conducted fact-checking by the Neurology Institute, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health. It was found that such issues is false information In the case where someone posts and … Read more

Worrying Trend: Female Patients Over 50 Experiencing Rapid Increase Due to Hormonal Changes and Bad Eating Habits

Worrying Trend: Female Patients Over 50 Experiencing Rapid Increase Due to Hormonal Changes and Bad Eating Habits

There is a rapid increase in female patients over the age of 50… Hormonal changes + bad eating habits Entered 2024.03.10 11:14 Entered 2024.03.10 11:14 Modified 2024.03.10 16:57 Views 10,834 Hyperlipidemia in women increases significantly after the age of 50. This is because estrogen (female hormone), which protects the blood and blood vessels, is disappearing … Read more

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

The health effects of lycopene increase when tomatoes are cooked. Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Views 2 Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Modified 2023.12.22 16:12 Views 2 If you eat ramen with kimchi, you can exceed the recommended daily sodium intake with just one meal. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Ramen is really delicious. Even though we know that fried noodles and salty … Read more

The Benefits of Soy Protein: Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms and Reducing Cholesterol

The Benefits of Soy Protein: Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms and Reducing Cholesterol

Soy protein contributes to alleviating menopausal symptoms and reducing cholesterol Entered 2023.12.15 19:30 Views 0 Entered 2023.12.15 19:30 Modified 2023.12.15 18:17 Views 0 Tofu is a food rich in protein as much as eggs. .It is especially good for middle-aged women as it is rich in essential amino acids, calcium, and iron. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] “What should … Read more

I ate boiled eggs vs. fried eggs for breakfast…what about nuts?

I ate boiled eggs vs. fried eggs for breakfast…what about nuts?

If you are conscious of weight control, boiled eggs are better because they are relatively low in calories and fat. input 2023.12.09 19:14 Views 15,484 input 2023.12.09 19:14correction 2023.12.09 20:25 Views 15,484 There is no significant difference in protein between fried eggs and boiled eggs, but there are differences in calories and fat. This is … Read more

Effects of eggs + nuts for breakfast… What foods should you avoid?

Effects of eggs + nuts for breakfast… What foods should you avoid?

If you eat eggs with soy milk… the trypsin component in soybeans reduces the nutrients in eggs. input 2023.12.05 17:10 Views 7,801 input 2023.12.05 17:10correction 2023.12.05 17:05 Views 7,801 Nuts are beneficial to blood vessel health and help prevent hyperlipidemia and heart disease. However, overeating should be avoided. [사진=클립아트코리아] There are probably many people who … Read more

A betrayal of soybean paste and kimchi?… What are your efficient eating habits?

A betrayal of soybean paste and kimchi?… What are your efficient eating habits?

Soybean paste is effective in preventing breast and ovarian cancer, but eating too much salt increases the risk of stomach cancer. input 2023.11.25 17:28 Views 1,503 input 2023.11.25 17:28correction 2023.11.25 17:41 Views 1,503 Soybean paste soup is good for your health, but it is important to make it not too salty. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Kimchi and soybean … Read more

After getting rid of hyperlipidemia like this, why did I lose weight?

After getting rid of hyperlipidemia like this, why did I lose weight?

Hyperlipidemia is closely related to obesity… Caused by excessive fat-carbohydrate intake, drinking, and lack of exercise input 2023.11.24 16:10 Views 8,334 input 2023.11.24 16:10correction 2023.11.24 17:05 Views 8,334 For blood health, you should also reduce your intake of bread and cakes containing a lot of butter, margarine, and sugar. [사진=클립아트코리아] Hyperlipidemia is a condition in … Read more

7 lifestyle habits you must pay attention to if you have a family history of cancer

7 lifestyle habits you must pay attention to if you have a family history of cancer

Quit smoking, eat bland foods and avoid processed meat… Physical activity and vegetable-fruit intake are important. input 2023.11.19 14:05 Views 18 input 2023.11.19 14:05correction 2023.11.19 14:23 Views 18 Research has shown that when processed meat products such as ham and sausage are grilled over an open fire, the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which … Read more

The Impact of Alcohol and Processed Foods on Weight Gain and Dementia Risk

The Impact of Alcohol and Processed Foods on Weight Gain and Dementia Risk

Alcohol with high calorie and sugar content… Processed foods high in trans fatty acids should be avoided Entered 2023.10.30 10:44 Views 7,450 Entered 2023.10.30 10:44 Modified 2023.10.30 16:58 Views 7,450 Repeated heavy drinking over a long period of time can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of alcoholic dementia. [사진 = 게티이미지뱅크] Foods … Read more