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Worrying Trend: Female Patients Over 50 Experiencing Rapid Increase Due to Hormonal Changes and Bad Eating Habits

There is a rapid increase in female patients over the age of 50… Hormonal changes + bad eating habits

Entered 2024.03.10 11:14 Entered 2024.03.10 11:14 Modified 2024.03.10 16:57 Views 10,834

Hyperlipidemia in women increases significantly after the age of 50. This is because estrogen (female hormone), which protects the blood and blood vessels, is disappearing and there are more women with bad eating habits than in the past. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia), which occurs when there is too much neutral fat and cholesterol in the blood, has recently been increasing significantly. The rate of increase is so fast that it has more than doubled in five years. According to the National Health Insurance Corporation’s detailed health checkup status, the number of dyslipidemia patients in 2021 was 1.47 million, which was 2.4 times the number in 2016 (620,000). In particular, the increase among women in their 50s is notable, and an emergency has been raised in preventing stroke (cerebral infarction-cerebral hemorrhage) and heart disease. Let’s learn about blood health again.

There is a rapid increase in female patients over the age of 50… Hormonal changes + bad eating habits

The medical term for the symptom of cloudy blood is dyslipidemia. It covers hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertriglyceridemia. Until the age of mid-50s, many male patients frequently drink, smoke, and have company dinners, but after that, the male-female pattern begins to change. This is because estrogen (female hormone), which protects the blood and blood vessels, is disappearing and there are more women with bad eating habits than in the past. The reason why the number of female stroke patients rapidly increases after menopause is due to cloudy blood in addition to high blood pressure and diabetes.

“I can’t quit sweet food”… If you don’t control sugar, your blood health will deteriorate.

Even if you reduce fatty foods for health reasons, there are people who like sweet drinks, carbonated drinks, and desserts. Sugar is a carbohydrate and is high in calories, which is very bad for blood health. When you reach middle age, it is better to minimize sugar intake by eating raw fruit rather than fruit juice and raw milk rather than chocolate milk. According to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, to prevent and manage heart disease and stroke, it is best to eat a mixture of mixed grains and whole wheat even if you eat rice, and that the total carbohydrate intake ratio should not exceed 65%. Keep in mind that excessive intake of carbohydrates, in addition to fat-rich meats such as pork belly and intestines, also causes blood to become cloudy.

Follow the blood health ‘textbook’ guidelines… What foods purify blood?

When I list foods that are good for blood and blood vessels, some people say, “It’s the same every time.” The content in medical ‘textbooks’ does not change often. If you discover a groundbreaking food, it feels like a Nobel Prize. To reduce saturated fat that accumulates in the blood vessels, it is recommended to reduce the intake of red meat such as beef and pork, and processed meat (ham and sausage), and eat more raw vegetables, beans, nuts, and fish that are high in antioxidants. Eating an appropriate amount of perilla oil and olive oil is also helpful.

More dangerous with no special symptoms… Stroke – Symptoms appear only when heart disease occurs

Hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia), which rapidly increases after the age of 50, is common, but it is dangerous because there are no special symptoms before complications such as stroke or heart disease appear. It is a good idea to check for abnormalities through regular blood tests. Since there are no symptoms, the reason people collapse from excessive exercise in middle age is because hyperlipidemia has already worsened into heart disease, stroke, etc. If blood vessels leading to the heart or brain are blocked, life is at risk and paralysis and other disabilities may remain.

If you move your body diligently… Primary prevention effect in preventing cardiovascular disease

People who are active at home and in their neighborhood are less likely to develop vascular disease. This is because physical activity and exercise have a primary preventive effect in preventing cardiovascular disease. Even if you already have high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, or diabetes, it can be improved. It is recommended to do aerobic exercise such as walking for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, but it is important to move frequently in daily life. Even if you get up and move around in your living room, the exercise effect is high. It is also helpful to move back and forth between rooms 40 minutes to an hour after a meal when blood sugar levels begin to soar. You should avoid the habit of sitting for too long.

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2024-03-11 07:42:55

#Middleaged #women #hyperlipidemia.. #worst #eating #habits

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