Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics lower cholesterol, a risk factor for metabolic syndrome Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Modified 2024.04.01 10:02 Views 130 20% of total cholesterol is mainly absorbed through food intake and the remaining 70% is formed in the liver, so achieving the balance is not easy. When balance is off, the body sends various abnormal … Read more

7 Drinks That Will Help You Sleep Well: Tart Cherry Juice, Chamomile Tea, Almond Milk, and More

7 Drinks That Will Help You Sleep Well: Tart Cherry Juice, Chamomile Tea, Almond Milk, and More

Drinks that help you sleep well… tart cherry juice, chamomile tea, almond milk, etc. Entered 2024.02.10 16:05 Entered 2024.02.10 16:05 Modified 2024.02.11 10:13 Views 9,330 What are some drinks that help you sleep? [사진=게티이미지뱅크]One way to help you sleep better is to leverage the power of nutrients. Just as fatty foods, spicy foods, and caffeine … Read more

Natural Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels in the Body Without Medication

Natural Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels in the Body Without Medication

Eating a lot of tryptophan food, walking outside a lot, and laughing a lot can help. Entered 2024.02.03 13:09 Entered 2024.02.03 13:09 Views 109 Walking outdoors often, meeting people, and laughing often help increase serotonin levels. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Serotonin, which is necessary to prevent depression and have a happier day, is also called the ‘happiness hormone’ and … Read more

How to Boost Your Immunity: Importance of Gut Health, Stress Management, and Sleep

How to Boost Your Immunity: Importance of Gut Health, Stress Management, and Sleep

Intake of fiber, which feeds intestinal microorganisms, stress management, and sufficient sleep are also important. Entered 2024.01.09 20:06 Views 4 Entered 2024.01.09 20:06 Modified 2024.01.08 18:09 Views 4 The flu is rampant across the country this winter. In times like these, it is more important to take care of your immunity. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The flu is rampant … Read more

Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Bacteria in Lactobacillus regulate the immune system of depression input 2023.12.02 13:00 Views 48 input 2023.12.02 13:00correction 2023.12.02 12:07 Views 48 A bacterium called Lactobacillus, found in fermented foods and yogurt, has been shown to play an important role in stress management and could potentially help prevent conditions like depression and anxiety. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Research has … Read more

“Probiotics are effective in relieving flu symptoms”

“Probiotics are effective in relieving flu symptoms”

Ulsan University College of Medicine Seoul Asan Medical Center Research TeamPhenomenon of improving lung immunity and alleviating lung damageFirst confirmation of lung-related interactionDiscovering a new mechanism that goes beyond supporting intestinal health Research results have shown that probiotics, microorganisms that are beneficial to the human body, help relieve symptoms of influenza virus infection. The research … Read more

Discover the Hidden Superfoods: Boost Immunity and Prevent Diseases

Discover the Hidden Superfoods: Boost Immunity and Prevent Diseases

Rich in various nutrients, boosts immunity and prevents diseases such as cancer Entered 2023.10.21 10:05 Views 0 Entered 2023.10.21 10:05 Modified 2023.10.21 09:25 Views 0 Beets are rich in antioxidants and are a food that helps prevent cancer and chronic diseases. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Salmon, berries, broccoli, almonds, kale, beans, and oats are considered ‘superstars’ in the … Read more

The Impact of Maternal Obesity on Children’s Risk of Asthma

The Impact of Maternal Obesity on Children’s Risk of Asthma

Tsang Jiacheng mentioned that overweight pregnant mothers may increase the risk of asthma in their children; the picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from shutterstock) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many pregnant women will take some nutritional supplements and adjust their diet to prevent their children from allergic constitution. In this regard, otolaryngology clinic physician Zeng Jiacheng quoted … Read more

Benefits of Probiotics: Maintaining Digestive, Mental, and Stomach Health

Benefits of Probiotics: Maintaining Digestive, Mental, and Stomach Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Probiotics are live microorganisms in foods or supplements that aim to maintain or increase “good” bacteria in the body. Probiotics can be found in foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. Reporting from Cleveland Clinicthe main task of probiotics or good bacteria is to maintain a healthy balance in the body. When sick, … Read more

“Six Landmine Eating Methods of Health Products: Must Avoid!”

Life Center / Reported by Zhang Jianing Modern people’s health awareness is on the rise, and there are many health foods on the market for people to choose from, so many people will buy and eat them to supplement their nutrition. However, some nutritionists reminded the six landmine eating methods of health products, which must … Read more