Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics: The Key to Lowering Cholesterol and Preventing Metabolic Syndrome

Probiotics lower cholesterol, a risk factor for metabolic syndrome Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Entered 2024.04.01 10:00 Modified 2024.04.01 10:02 Views 130 20% of total cholesterol is mainly absorbed through food intake and the remaining 70% is formed in the liver, so achieving the balance is not easy. When balance is off, the body sends various abnormal … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Disease Prevention by Age: 20s to 60s

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Disease Prevention by Age: 20s to 60s

Lifestyle habits to follow and diseases to watch out for from 20s to 60s Posted 2024.03.09 12:05 Posted 2024.03.09 12:05 Modified 2024.03.09 10:49 Views 228 To live a healthy life, you must pay attention to health management from your 20s. [사진=클립아트코리아] In order to enjoy a healthy life without getting sick, you need to follow … Read more

Top 5 Healthy Foods to Relieve Stress: Yogurt, Tangerines, Eggs, and More

Top 5 Healthy Foods to Relieve Stress: Yogurt, Tangerines, Eggs, and More

Entered 2023.12.28 06:30 Views 55 Entered 2023.12.28 06:30 Modified 2023.12.28 06:12 Views 55 When you are stressed and crave sweet or savory foods, yogurt, tangerines, eggs, etc. help relieve stress. [사진=클립아트코리아] Stress is the root of all diseases. This is because it goes beyond mood problems and can even harm your health. In addition to … Read more

How to Increase Calcium Absorption: Yogurt Rich in Calcium and Tofu

How to Increase Calcium Absorption: Yogurt Rich in Calcium and Tofu

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

Study Shows Milk Consumption Linked to Reduction of Joint Space Width in Women, A Leading Cause of Osteoarthritis

Study Shows Milk Consumption Linked to Reduction of Joint Space Width in Women, A Leading Cause of Osteoarthritis

Reduction of joint space width, a cause of osteoarthritis Entered 2023.12.27 09:05 Views 7 Entered 2023.12.27 09:05 Modified 2023.12.27 08:55 Views 7 Milk has been shown to help maintain joint health in women. [사진=클립아트코리아] Milk is a healthy food. Collagen, calcium, and vitamin B2, a type of protein contained in milk, strengthen bones and teeth, … Read more

Boosting Immunity and Heart Health: The Benefits of Adding Broccoli to Your Yogurt

Boosting Immunity and Heart Health: The Benefits of Adding Broccoli to Your Yogurt

Adding broccoli helps improve immunity and heart health… It also has a good texture. Entered 2023.12.19 18:22 Views 443 Entered 2023.12.19 18:22 Modified 2023.12.19 18:45 Views 443 What foods are good to eat with yogurt? Nuts are the most popular, but vegetables such as broccoli can also have a synergistic effect. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The number of people … Read more

Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Bacteria in Lactobacillus regulate the immune system of depression input 2023.12.02 13:00 Views 48 input 2023.12.02 13:00correction 2023.12.02 12:07 Views 48 A bacterium called Lactobacillus, found in fermented foods and yogurt, has been shown to play an important role in stress management and could potentially help prevent conditions like depression and anxiety. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Research has … Read more

“Al-Khudairi” reveals a type of yogurt that raises fats and harms the heart and arteries… and warns of a trick to promote it

“Al-Khudairi” reveals a type of yogurt that raises fats and harms the heart and arteries… and warns of a trick to promote it

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, a researcher specializing in carcinogen research, revealed yogurt that contains a high percentage of fat and is harmful to heart health. He said during a tweet posted on his account on the He continued: “The important thing is that this Greek yogurt says: Low-fat, and they pass it off as … Read more

“Al-Khudairi” reveals a type of yogurt that raises fats and harms the heart and arteries… and warns against his tricks to promote it

“Al-Khudairi” reveals a type of yogurt that raises fats and harms the heart and arteries… and warns against his tricks to promote it

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, a researcher specializing in carcinogen research, revealed yogurt that contains a high percentage of fat and is harmful to heart health. He said during a tweet posted on his account on the He continued: “The important thing is that this Greek yogurt says: Low-fat, and they pass it off as … Read more