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Should you eat yogurt when you’re depressed and irritated?

Bacteria in Lactobacillus regulate the immune system of depression

A bacterium called Lactobacillus, found in fermented foods and yogurt, has been shown to play an important role in stress management and could potentially help prevent conditions like depression and anxiety. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Research has shown that eating yogurt can prevent depression. This is thanks to the bacteria contained in yogurt.

The human intestine is naturally home to countless bacteria, fungi, and viruses, forming a microbiota. Microbes play an important role in immune system health, mental health, and overall health. Disruption of the microbiome due to illness, poor diet, or other factors has been linked to numerous diseases.

A study published in the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity found that bacteria called Lactobacilli, found in fermented foods and yogurt, play an important role in stress management, potentially helping prevent conditions such as depression and anxiety. It turned out that it could be helpful.

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine used a collection of modified bacteria called Schaedler flora containing strains of Lactobacillus to create mice with and without Lactobacillus without the use of antibiotics. Lactobacillus was isolated from the vast microorganisms, or microbial community, that exist in the body. Lactobacillus has shown potential to alleviate depression in laboratory mice in previous studies.

“We knew from previous studies that Lactobacillus helps improve mood disorders and disappears under psychological stress, but the underlying reason was unclear due to technical difficulties associated with microbiome research,” the researchers said.

The researchers discovered how lactic acid bacteria belonging to the Lactobacillus family regulate interferon gamma, an immune mediator essential for regulating stress responses and preventing depression. “Our findings reveal how intestinal Lactobacilli influence mood disorders by modulating the immune system,” the researchers said. “This discovery could pave the way for innovative treatments targeting mental health.” “He said.

“We have now been able to develop a probiotic supplement specifically formulated to optimize Lactobacillus levels in patients with depression or those at risk for depression,” the researchers added.

2023-12-02 04:03:46

#eat #yogurt #youre #depressed #irritated

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