20 minutes – He refuses confinement to finish his album

This is the second time in just over a month that the rapper has lost an opportunity to keep quiet. After making a controversy for homophobia, Koba LaD, 19, this time, attracted the wrath of Internet users for a more than moved comment about the current confinement of the population in France caused by the … Read more

20 minutes – First denunciations and anti-union patrols

The Valais police proceeded Tuesday afternoon three complaints from Haute-Nendaz, Steg and Sion. In two cases, restaurants served customers’ drinks. The third concerns a clothing store that had not closed. According to the order of the Federal Council, offenders face a custodial sentence of up to 3 years or a monetary penalty, police said on … Read more

20 minutes – Unia wants to close the construction sites

Narrow barracks where there are too many people, overflowing urinals, dirty toitois and far and wide neither toilet paper nor soap or disinfectant: in the past two days, dozens of messages and pictures of construction workers concerned with the conditions have been reached in 20 minutes Complaining on construction sites. “The federal government’s statement that … Read more

20 minutes – what corona patients die from

While around 80 percent of those affected have a mild infection with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus and sometimes do not even notice it, around 20 percent of those infected get viruses in their lungs. The result is an inflammation that forces the sick to go to hospital. In particularly severe cases, patients in the intensive care … Read more

Immunity, confinement, climate: by what means could the Covid-19 pandemic disappear?

Question asked by lewy on 03/13/2020 Hello, The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus, started in Wuhan (Hubei province of China) in December. The number of people affected in this country – 81,130 officially registered cases – is beginning to stabilize, suggesting a ebb of the epidemic in this region of the world. In … Read more

20 minutes – An intruder has infiltrated his property

It was quite a fright that Jennifer Lawrence must have felt on Sunday March 15, 2020: around 9:15 p.m., a 23-year-old woman broke into the star’s Hollywood property, hoping to meet her in the flesh and bone. According to TMZ, the 29-year-old actress’s security agents intercepted the woman in the garden and detained her until … Read more

20 minutes – Workers rebel, police intervene

We are 130 on the construction site, there is no soap in the toilets, there are suspicions of illness among the workers, we just want to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Tuesday morning, with the announcements of the previous day linked to Covid-19, the tension rose by several notches on a site of the … Read more

20 minutes – “Accumulation of people will not be tolerated”

In the city of Zurich, larger groups of people can still be seen on squares or at the lake basin on Tuesday. Now the Zurich City Police are responding. Social distancing is the central prerequisite for containing the epidemic, she writes in a message on Tuesday evening. The instructions: Groups of 15 people or more … Read more

20 minutes – the European Football Championship will only take place in 2021

Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures: For the first time in the history of the European Football Association, the European Championship is being postponed. The 16th edition of the European Championship, which should have taken place in twelve countries and cities across Europe this year, is the next sporting event that cannot take place as planned … Read more

20 minutes – Uefa wants 320 million for EM postponement

Solidarity and UEFA, that just doesn’t go together. At least that is how the report of the British portal “The Athletic” should be interpreted, according to which the European Football Association is demanding £ 275 million, or the equivalent of almost CHF 320 million, to move the European Championship from this summer to 2021. That’s … Read more