Vaccination Brigades Encountering Resistance in Ciudad Juárez – Urgent Call for Public Participation in Measles and Rubella Campaign

Vaccination Brigades Encountering Resistance in Ciudad Juárez – Urgent Call for Public Participation in Measles and Rubella Campaign

Ciudad Juárez.- After walking the streets of the Oasis Revolución neighborhood for several hours, knocking house to house to promote vaccination against measles and rubella among other biological agents, vaccination brigades called on citizens to receive them because few people opened the door to them. door. The nurses shared that in several homes they did … Read more

Spain Ranks 2nd in the European Union for Best Application of Children’s Vaccination Calendar: Expert Review

Spain Ranks 2nd in the European Union for Best Application of Children’s Vaccination Calendar: Expert Review

A recent work published in the journal Expert Review of Vaccines places Spain as the second country within the European Union with best application of your children’s calendar. The work, carried out by a group of European vaccinologists, including a member of the Spanish Association of VaccinologyrIt selects all vaccines included in children’s calendars, recommended … Read more

1,600 Children Recover from Diphtheria Outbreak in Northeastern Nigeria

1,600 Children Recover from Diphtheria Outbreak in Northeastern Nigeria

1,600 children have recovered since 2022 from a diphtheria outbreak in northeastern Nigeria The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) announced on Monday that 117 children have died from a diphtheria outbreak in North-East. Nigeria In Yobe State since 2022. However, the agency confirmed that 1,600 children recovered from the disease during the aforementioned … Read more

Why Vaccination is Key to Minimizing Diphtheria Cases in Indonesia

Why Vaccination is Key to Minimizing Diphtheria Cases in Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) urges the public to vaccinate diphtheria completely to minimize the symptoms caused diphtheria disease cases of which are currently being found in a number of regions in Indonesia. “One of the risk factors for diphtheria is people who are not fully immunized,” said the Ministry of Health’s … Read more

Importance of Early Detection for Diphtheria Symptoms: Expert Advice and Prevention Methods

Importance of Early Detection for Diphtheria Symptoms: Expert Advice and Prevention Methods

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Tropical Infections and Pediatrics Division staff, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) and pediatric health specialist at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSCM) Dr Nina Dwi Putri, SpA(K), emphasized the importance early detection within 72 hours if a family member experiences symptoms of diphtheria. Nina explained that early detection … Read more

KLB Diphtheria Outbreak in Malang: Health Service Intensifies ORI Immunization

KLB Diphtheria Outbreak in Malang: Health Service Intensifies ORI Immunization

CNN Indonesia Thursday, 31 Aug 2023 08:00 WIB illustration of diphtheria vaccine (ANTARA PHOTO/Asep/Fathulrahman) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — KLB diphtheria Malang has made the Health Service (Dinkes) Malang City, East Java intensify Diphtheria Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI) immunization. “From the recommendation of the East Java Provincial Health Office, ORI should be carried out in the form … Read more

Garut Regency Government Deploys Health Team to Prevent Spread of Diphtheria in Samarang District

Garut Regency Government Deploys Health Team to Prevent Spread of Diphtheria in Samarang District

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT — The Garut Regency Government, West Java, has deployed a health team to trace and prevent the spread of diphtheria cases (an infectious disease that can be spread by coughing, sneezing or open wounds) which have recently been rediscovered in the District Samarang so as not to spread to other children. “What’s important … Read more

Government Approves Extension of Framework Agreement for Vaccine Acquisition

At the proposal of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, headed by Minister Nabila Benzina, the Governing Council has authorized this Tuesday the extension, for a period of one year, of the Framework Agreement with the Ministry of Health for the acquisition of vaccines. In this way, explained the Government spokesman, Alejandro Ramírez, at … Read more

Health Office Ensures Cirebon City Zero Diphtheria Cases

Health Office Ensures Cirebon City Zero Diphtheria Cases

Health workers take the Diphtheria Tetanus (DT) vaccine during Stage Two of School Child Immunization Month (BIAS). REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON — The Cirebon City Health Office (Dinkes) confirmed that currently there are no cases diphtheria who attacked the people in the city. In fact, diphtheria cases in Cirebon City have been declared nil since 2022 until … Read more

Garut Diphtheria Outbreak, KBB-Cimahi Began to Be Alert

Garut Diphtheria Outbreak, KBB-Cimahi Began to Be Alert

West Bandung – The West Bandung Regency Health Office (Dinkes) is wary of the emergence of diphtheria cases following the incident in Garut Regency until it was determined to be an outbreak. One of the steps taken is to alert the puskesmas in each village to carry out sweeping, especially at special locations (locus) where … Read more