Here are 5 Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Body Health that are Rarely Known

Literacy News – Fruit pawpaw it is known that this fruit is good for digestion because of fruit pawpaw high will fiber and water until easily digested. In 100 grams of fruit pawpaw can contain 1.3 grams fiber which is useful for overcoming constipation or expedite the process digestion. Besides that, it turns out pawpaw … Read more

These 4 types of food are rich in fiber, check out the various benefits for the body

PR TASIKMALAYA – One of the important nutrients needed by the body is fiber. Included in the type of carbohydrates, fiber it cannot be digested by the body. Besides, the body doesn’t decompose either fiber into simple sugar molecules. Also Read: Recognize 6 Symptoms of a Lack of Vitamin D and Calcium in the Human … Read more

Beware of Colon Cancer because of Lack of Fiber

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Nutrition specialist from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Specialist Association (PDGKI), dr. Marya Warascesaria Haryono, said that fiber is very beneficial for the digestive process and can prevent various risks of serious diseases, including: colon cancer. According to Marya, fiber has a structure that is generally derived … Read more

5 Simple Ways to Increase Fiber Intake to Strengthen Immune

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Fiber is an important nutrient for the body. Research has shown that a high-fiber diet can improve heart health, relieve GI problems, and improve the appearance of your skin. According to Joanne Slavin, a professor of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota, high-fiber foods also provide good bacteria … Read more

The CNMC conditions the sale of Red Eléctrica’s fiber optics | Companies

The CNMC tries to solve a major summer snake. The agency clarifies if it has veto power in the process that Red Eléctrica has initiated to divest itself of up to 49% of its fiber optic network, grouped in the Reintel subsidiary, according to financial sources. The process, which valued the company at 1,200 million … Read more

Who would have thought this blood type was more susceptible to diabetes, here’s the research! – All Pages

freepik – The relationship between blood groups and diabetes – – Moms and Dads must have known that blood type There are four, namely A, B, O, and AB. On the other hand, it turns out blood type can expose Moms and Dads’ susceptibility to diabetes. If someone has levels blood sugar high and … Read more

Telefónica bets on the economic recovery of Brazil to unlock value | Companies

Telefónica continues to draw scenarios in Brazil, its main market in number of clients, shaken by the crisis derived from the pandemic. For now, in its last corporate presentation for investors, Telefónica Brasil seems to regain optimism regarding the economic recovery of the South American giant, with its effect on unlocking value for the telecom … Read more