Link between Blood Type A and Early Stroke Risk: Study Reveals Findings

Link between Blood Type A and Early Stroke Risk: Study Reveals Findings

In a study published in 2022, genomics researchers revealed a clear relationship between the type A gene and early stroke. The researchers collected data from 48 genetic studies, which included thousands of people who had strokes and those who did not, and the ages of all participants ranged between 18 and 59 years. The study … Read more

Nauzubillah! 7 Diseases Susceptible to This Blood Group

Sonora.ID- Nowadays this is a lot disease emerging, there are even viruses that spread and mutate into new diseases. According to many studies, there are diseases that are very susceptible to infection blood type certain. This means that one of these blood types is very susceptible to certain diseases. Also Read: Contact Required! There are … Read more

The most important questions and answers about donating blood

Jun 28, 2022 @ 3:53pm The most important questions and answers about donating blood : Why it matters whether you donate blood or not – Around 15,000 blood donations are needed every day in Germany to care for the sick and injured. Photo: dpa-tmn/Hauke-Christian Dittrich – – Düsseldorf The need is great: hospitals are currently … Read more

No wonder the skin is easy to get bumps, it turns out that the owner of this blood type is more often bitten by mosquitoes

Sonora. ID – Mosquito bite often annoys a lot of people. Moreover, the itching caused by the red bumps will make anyone who is bitten mosquito feel uncomfortable. There are times when when gathering, only a few people are bitten by mosquitoes. While others were not bitten by mosquitoes at all. This raises the question … Read more

All Indonesia Get Disappointed! It turns out that this blood type is strictly forbidden to eat bananas, it’s appropriate for the savings money to run out to go to the hospital

Sonora.ID – Fruit banana good for body health. Some of the benefits of bananas for the body are that it can accelerate weight loss as well as more energy. A number of nutrients in bananas, namely fiber, protein, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and various other nutrients. Quoted from Healthline, Although bananas are native to Southeast … Read more