Coronavirus from A to Z – Release

like animal The World Health Organization (WHO) reminded him as early as January 12: “The data seem to clearly indicate that the outbreak is associated with exposures at a fish market in Wuhan” (see: Hubei). The hypothesis of a zoonosis, a disease transmitted by animals, is therefore preferred. February 7, the scientific journal Nature asks: … Read more

Coronavirus: Why more men than women die from the infection

The new corona virus occurs equally in men and women, but there are significant differences in the mortality rate. Who is particularly at risk and to what extent the pathogen can be compared to the flu – or not. – The new coronavirus Sars-nCoV-2 triggers the lung disease Covid-19. However, the course of infection is … Read more

“Health” reveals 7 ways to protect from infection with the Corona virus

The Ministry of Health and Population has identified 7 important ways to protect against emerging coronavirus infection as part of its plan to prevent any potential infections from being transmitted between people… “ Day 7 “explores 7 ways to protect from emerging coronavirus infection. 1 .. Avoid patients: Avoid close contact with anyone who has … Read more

Health reveals golden advice for the prevention of emerging corona virus

The Ministry of Health and Population, represented in the preventive medicine sector, revealed that handwashing known as golden advice is a great mechanism to prevent the emerging corona virus.. The Ministry of Health and Population said that hand washing with soap and water regularly and using hand sanitizer represents a great protection in preventing the … Read more

Coronavirus: “Everything contributes to the virus circulating on the African continent”

After being head of the infectious diseases department at the Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris, Professor Pierre-Marie Girard is now the Director of International Affairs at the Pasteur Institute in the capital and head of the International Network Instituts Pasteur, 10 of which are located in Africa. The great fear around this new epidemic was that … Read more

Italy seals off entire areas because of the infection

No European country has registered more infections with the corona virus than Italy. Now the government is taking drastic measures. Tens of thousands of people are practically locked up. Italy has to fight the worst outbreak of the new one coronavirus in Europe with drastic measures. In order to prevent further expansion in the north … Read more

Coronavirus: Samsung suspends production of Galaxy Z Flip & Co.

The Korean Electronics company Samsung Surprisingly, it is struggling with the serious effects of the spread of the new corona virus. Because of an infected employee, the production of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip was stopped at a plant in Korea. Like Samsung in the meantime Korean media has confirmed that the entire production was … Read more

Human or animal … report reveals the main suspect in the spread of the Corona virus

Sky News has published a press report about the appearance of the Corona virus in Wuhan, China, and its spread from China to various countries of the world, so that the report refers to the suspect in the spread of that virus, which sparked controversy around the world, and the finger of accusation is heading … Read more

Video .. 6 foods that will fight the common cold and strengthen your immune system

With fluctuations in the air, viruses and infection spread, many people are exposed to colds and influenza, which affect the health of the body, according to what the site said today There are some foods that must be eaten daily to treat colds, including: 1: Eat chicken soup, as it contains a high content of … Read more