Felix Slováček reunites with his former lover Lucía Gelemová – Žena.cz

The love affair that the musician Felix Slováček had with the half-younger artist Lucía Gelemová lasted for seven years. All the while, however, he was still married to the singer Dagmar Patras. And although their affair officially ended two years ago and it seemed that Patrasová could relax, it turns out that this is probably … Read more

Dada won’t give this: Gelemová admitted that she is still in contact with Felix Slováček

5 Felix Slováček, Lucie Gelemová, Dagmar Patrasová Lucie Gelemová is best known as the former lover of saxophonist Felix Slováček. Now she revealed how she remembers the relationship and what it was like to date the famous musician. During a recent interview for kafe.cz Lucie Gelemová revealed that New Year’s Eve is an even more … Read more

Dada and Felix were reconciled by a serious illness. It’s bad, Patrasova admitted

At the end of the year, Felix Slováček gave Dada a hard time, as he announced that he would deprive his wife of her legal rights. Patrasová responded to his words clearly, there will be a divorce. Fortunately, after a few weeks, the situation calmed down and the couple averted the crisis. Dáda’s nasty flu … Read more

Drama at Slováček and Patrasová: Gelemová and Vito in the game again?

This couple just loves drama. How else to explain why Patrasova (66) is publicly confessing her feelings for her stallion Vito (51)? They say he owns a part of her heart! “Vito wished me first in the morning. Felix thought that if he broke up with that lady, whose name I won’t say, I would … Read more

Slovakian described his vacation with Dada: I had to get earplugs

5 – – Felix Slováček and Dáda Patrasová – The musician, composer and conductor Felix Slováček arrived at the Hotel Sen in Senohraby in good health and with a smile on his face. And how could he not, after all, he recently returned from a holiday in Tunis and, as he revealed to kafe.cz, he … Read more

Patras on vacation: She got drunk and was aggressive, they had to close her, witnesses say

– Felix Slováček and Dáda Patrasová’s holiday in North Africa is far from idyll. According to witnesses, the queen of children’s hearts is devoted to alcohol rather than rest. Czechs staying in the same hotel claim that Patras was behaving aggressively and that Slováček had to lock her in her room after an argument. Patras’ … Read more

“The drunk has no restraints.” Krampol knows the details of Dada Patras’ crisis

A close friend of Felix Slováček, Jiří Krampol, described the difficult moments a musician experiences with his wife, Dada Patrasová. He doesn’t get along with the actress after her car accident. He wants to send her for treatment, which Dada allegedly refuses. He claims to have a drink from time to time like anyone else. … Read more

Patras is hiding behind the walls of her villa. Slováček left to celebrate his birthday without her

Updated 21:41 24. 5. 2022, 18:36 – – Shortly after five o’clock in the afternoon, Felix Slováček took a taxi to celebrate his 79th birthday. Dada Patras, who scrapped a luxury Mercedes on Monday and refused a breath test, remains in the family villa. Her husband didn’t want her at the party, but Dáda was … Read more

Patras’s difficulties the day after the accident. The Slovak will not let her celebrate

Updated 16:13 24. 5. 2022, 14:46 – – Was another accident the last straw for them? It looks like the family is breaking a stick over Dada Patras. Her husband Felix Slováček is organizing a grand 79th birthday party, but the actress is missing from the guest list. Watch a live broadcast from the famous … Read more

Annoying pain from Felix and Dada? The (beloved) son died under the train

The student filmmaker of the Kazakh director deals with motherly love, which is so strong that the son, played by Felix Jr., leads to suicide, jumps under the wheels of a moving train. “I can say Felix acted brilliantly, he was amazing.” the father is proud Slováčekwho went to the Humanita cinema in Prague for … Read more