Impulsivity and Dopamine: New Insights into Vulnerability to Cocaine Abuse

Impulsivity and Dopamine: New Insights into Vulnerability to Cocaine Abuse

New Study Reveals Complex Factors Behind Substance Abuse Vulnerability New Study Reveals Complex Factors Behind Substance Abuse Vulnerability Summary Researchers have uncovered new insights into the factors that make some individuals more susceptible to substance abuse than others. The study, conducted by the University of Geneva, focused on the relationship between impulsivity, dopamine production, and … Read more

Dopamine’s Influence on Movement Sequences Offers Hope for Parkinson’s Disease Therapies

Dopamine’s Influence on Movement Sequences Offers Hope for Parkinson’s Disease Therapies

Dopamine Influences Movement Sequences, Signifying Potential for Parkinson’s Disease Therapies Researchers have revealed new insights into how dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure, impacts movement sequences. This finding brings hope for developing targeted treatments for Parkinson’s disease (PD), a neurological condition characterized by the gradual loss of dopamine neurons in the brain. The … Read more

The Science Behind Feeling Good After Little Sleep: Understanding the Dopamine Boost

The Science Behind Feeling Good After Little Sleep: Understanding the Dopamine Boost

Foto: Unsplash Maybe you know that feeling: you have barely slept or even pulled an all-nighter and you suddenly feel very good. But how is that possible? That can apparently be explained. Okay, to start. Our sleep is sacred. A good night’s sleep works wonders and a healthy sleep pattern is linked to a whole … Read more

The Psychological Impact of Food Content on Social Media: Dr. Mireille Serlie’s Insights

The Psychological Impact of Food Content on Social Media: Dr. Mireille Serlie’s Insights

Monday, 12 February 2024 – 14:02 WIB Jakarta – Often, various content about food suddenly appears on your social media feed. Especially when watching food videos at night, it feels more tempting. Content such as food reviews and mukbangs often arouse the desire to eat without realizing it. Initially, I only watched for entertainment, but … Read more

The Therapeutic Effects of Music on Inner Emotions: From Classical to Mozart Sonata K448

The Therapeutic Effects of Music on Inner Emotions: From Classical to Mozart Sonata K448

Why can “external music” affect a person’s “inner emotions”? The “special therapeutic effect” of music is beyond your expectation. (Image source: Adobe Stock) In our daily lives, we often hear a variety of sounds and music through our ears. Some of these music can improve concentration, and some can soothe.moodand some can relieve stress, but … Read more

Natural Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels in the Body Without Medication

Natural Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels in the Body Without Medication

Eating a lot of tryptophan food, walking outside a lot, and laughing a lot can help. Entered 2024.02.03 13:09 Entered 2024.02.03 13:09 Views 109 Walking outdoors often, meeting people, and laughing often help increase serotonin levels. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Serotonin, which is necessary to prevent depression and have a happier day, is also called the ‘happiness hormone’ and … Read more

The Feeling that January Never Ends: Psychological and Mental Health Experts Explain

The Feeling that January Never Ends: Psychological and Mental Health Experts Explain

Written by: Yasmine Al-Sawy: The feeling that January does not want to end has become the subject of ridicule by social media users, even though the month has only 31 days. Psychological and mental health experts noticed this phenomenon, which has spread in many countries of the world, and identified a number of reasons behind … Read more

The Impact of Stress on Fat Loss: Understanding Cortisol and Its Effects

The Impact of Stress on Fat Loss: Understanding Cortisol and Its Effects

“Fat Loss Strategy” #20 The Effect of Stress aka Cortisol on Fat Loss Cortisol is a hormone that helps us cope with stress. Excessive cortisol can lead to cravings (overeating, eating sweets), breakdown of muscles to supply energy to the body, mental arousal/insomnia, indirect inflammation of the body, and nutritional tendencies. If you store fat, … Read more

Dopamine: The Key to Happiness and Parkinson’s Disease

Dopamine: The Key to Happiness and Parkinson’s Disease

It can be said that it is a very strong trend for the drama. Matalda It can be said that the ratings continue to rise in every episode. Because it is a feel-good drama that creates smiles, suitable for everyone in the family. Not even the scene that brought tears like the scene where Grandma … Read more