Check the conditions for Krungthai Savings 25-month special fixed deposit, fixed interest rate of 1.8% per annum.

Check the conditions for Krungthai Savings 25-month special fixed deposit, fixed interest rate of 1.8% per annum.

save money in krungthai With a special 25-month fixed deposit, a fixed interest rate of 1.8% per annum, open to deposits until December 31st, check the conditions here. Krung Thai Bank launches a special 25-month fixed deposit product with an average fixed interest rate of 1.8% per annum to boost depositors’ income. and encourage Thai … Read more

A new statement by the finance minister regarding the deposit of “5 billion dollars” with Turkey

A new statement by the finance minister regarding the deposit of “5 billion dollars” with Turkey

Al-Marsad newspaper: Saudi finance minister Muhammad Al-Jadaan said the kingdom would deposit a five billion dollar deposit with the Turkish Central Bank within days. Al-Jadaan confirmed that this will happen soon and that the decision was made between Saudi Arabia and Turkey, indicating that discussions revolve around the remaining details and that the filing could … Read more

Computer problems and lack of presses, deposit on cans only in April

Computer problems and lack of presses, deposit on cans only in April

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 16:33 The Council of State has abolished the introduction of the security deposit on cans from 1 January. Threatened the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport penalty payments if the industry is unable to complete the implementation that day. But the highest administrative court has granted supermarkets, manufacturers and importers an extension until … Read more