7.8 billion euros more to shareholders

7.8 billion euros more to shareholders

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 09:12 Corporate profits continue to rise. Energy companies, the aviation sector and employment agencies in particular earned significantly more in the recent quarter than in the same period last year. Dutch corporate gross profit in July, August and September was even the highest since 1999, when the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) … Read more

The Hope Run Gandia raises nearly €13,000 for metastatic breast cancer research

The Hope Run Gandia raises nearly €13,000 for metastatic breast cancer research

The HOPE Run 2022whose face-to-face portion was retained Gandia, it was a success. The solidarity race, where every kilometer adds resources for research into breast cancer metastatic, gathered around 600 people last Sunday on the beach promenade Gandia. The initiative, which combines virtual and face-to-face modes, has to date accumulated over 13,000 euros, almost 4,000 … Read more

Gandia and Vicky Foods support the Hope Run against metastatic breast cancer

Gandia and Vicky Foods support the Hope Run against metastatic breast cancer

The councilor for health and health policies, Liduvina Gil, accompanied by José Vicente Castell, head of the Vicky Foods Foundation and Maribel Codina, president of AECC Gandia, presented in a press conference the solidarity campaign Hope Run which will be held this Sunday in Gandia. Gil explained the details of this Hope Run: “It is … Read more