Ice Cream for Relieving Sore Throat and Tonsillitis: A Guide to the Best Options

Ice Cream for Relieving Sore Throat and Tonsillitis: A Guide to the Best Options

Ice cream without sugar and dairy products…can help relieve sore throat and tonsillitis Entered 2023.12.26 14:24 Views 14 Entered 2023.12.26 14:24 Views 14 When you’re sick, ice cream may seem like it’ll make your symptoms worse, but that’s not always true. Ice cream surprisingly helps relieve inflammation. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When I have a cold, I especially want … Read more

The Power of Greens: A Closer Look at How Spinach and Kale Can Delay Aging and Improve Lung, Bone, and Eye Health

The Power of Greens: A Closer Look at How Spinach and Kale Can Delay Aging and Improve Lung, Bone, and Eye Health

Delays aging and improves lung-bone-eye health Entered 2023.12.25 08:10 Views 3 Entered 2023.12.25 08:10 Modified 2023.12.25 08:11 Views 3 Spinach is rich in beta-carotene, which slows down aging and is good for improving lung function. It is also rich in lutein, which contributes to eye protection. [사진=클립아트코리아] Green vegetables contain many nutrients that are good … Read more

Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Carcinogenic Cause of Pre-Stage Stomach Cancer

Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Carcinogenic Cause of Pre-Stage Stomach Cancer

Helicobacter pylori is a carcinogen… It causes pre-stage stomach cancer. Entered 2023.12.24 14:38 Views 728 Entered 2023.12.24 14:38 Modified 2023.12.24 10:48 Views 728 When eating, be careful about sharing side dishes and stews to prevent Helicobacter pylori infection. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Stomach cancer, which was the most common cancer in Korea for a long time, is not … Read more

The Anticancer Effects of Sweet Potatoes and Old Pumpkins on Lung Function: A Comprehensive Study

The Anticancer Effects of Sweet Potatoes and Old Pumpkins on Lung Function: A Comprehensive Study

Sweet potatoes and old pumpkins help improve lung function Entered 2023.12.23 14:02 Views 31 Entered 2023.12.23 14:02 Modified 2023.12.23 11:45 Views 31 Steamed sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index and are helpful in preventing and managing diabetes. However, you must be careful with roasted sweet potatoes in managing blood sugar levels. [사진 = 게티이미지뱅크] … Read more

Best Foods for Stress Relief: Vitamins, Lycopene, and Calcium

Best Foods for Stress Relief: Vitamins, Lycopene, and Calcium

Rich in nutrients such as vitamins, lycopene, and calcium to relieve stress Entered 2023.12.23 12:05 Views 1 Entered 2023.12.23 12:05 Modified 2023.12.23 09:41 Views 1 Sweet potatoes, which are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, help improve your mood. [사진=클립아트코리아] 2023 is not far away. This is not a very enjoyable time for adults. This is … Read more

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

The health effects of lycopene increase when tomatoes are cooked. Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Views 2 Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Modified 2023.12.22 16:12 Views 2 If you eat ramen with kimchi, you can exceed the recommended daily sodium intake with just one meal. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Ramen is really delicious. Even though we know that fried noodles and salty … Read more

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Introduction of treatments for middle-aged chronic fatigue patients at the Korean Menopause Society Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Views 192 Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Modified 2023.12.13 17:07 Views 192 People who experience menopausal syndrome as they enter middle age feel chronic fatigue and their overall body function declines even though they do not have a specific disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]There … Read more

How to Strengthen Your Immunity to Prevent COVID-19: Essential Nutritional Needs

How to Strengthen Your Immunity to Prevent COVID-19: Essential Nutritional Needs

Recently, rumors about COVID-19 have begun to be heard again. After being free from this virus, in fact we all need to maintain good health! After time pandemic COVID-1 ends, in fact towards the end of 2023 we are again faced with emerging COVID cases. Well, it’s not just body and environmental cleanliness that needs … Read more

After eating bibimbap often, my body changed… What about the change in weight?

After eating bibimbap often, my body changed… What about the change in weight?

Various vegetables high in antioxidants, perilla oil, eggs… should be made less salty and spicy. input 2023.12.08 16:20 Views 10,551 input 2023.12.08 16:20correction 2023.12.08 17:18 Views 10,551 Bibimbap, made with various vegetables, perilla oil, and fried eggs, is a delicious and nutritious healthy food. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Bibimbap looks ‘healthy’ just by looking at it. It is … Read more

“Banana is a natural sleeping pill”… 8 foods that are good for a good night’s sleep

“Banana is a natural sleeping pill”…  8 foods that are good for a good night’s sleep

To get a good night’s sleep… Eat lightly and avoid spicy foods, chocolate, high-carbohydrate foods, etc. input 2023.12.03 18:10 Views 1 input 2023.12.03 18:10correction 2023.12.03 01:54 Views 1 There are many foods that are said to be good for a good night’s sleep. One of the representative foods is banana. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Bananas have a variety … Read more