Road transport, key to vaccine logistics | Opinion

At the risk of being repetitive, we must insist: the road freight transport sector is strategic. It is so for any country and even more so for ours, whose goods export capacity has more than 66% of its destinations in its EU partners. And it will also be necessary to insist that its professionals are … Read more

Transport Online – Outbreak of British variant coronavirus at primary school De Talenter in Enter

ENTER – An outbreak of the corona virus at primary school De Talenter in Enter is bigger than expected, Mayor Doret Tigchelaar of the Overijssel municipality of Wierden reports in a video message. “A bigger outbreak in the sense that more than 50 people are already infected,” she says. The mayor speaks of “great concern … Read more

GE sells its aircraft rental business and will close its lending unit | What’s up people

New York, Mar 10 (EFE) .- The US group General Electric (GE) confirmed on Wednesday the sale of its aircraft rental business to the Irish company AerCap and the future closure of its GE Capital unit, its loan business that came close to bankrupting the company during the 2008 financial crisis. The operation, which had … Read more

Two Ukrainians injured in road accident in Poland refused to be treated – Consul General

Ukrainian diplomats in Poland have received information about problems with the treatment of passengers on the Poznan-Kherson bus, which got into an accident in Poland on the night of March 6. This was stated by the Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin Vasily Pavlyuk. Two Ukrainian citizens injured in an accident in Poland refused to … Read more

Czech drivers are ashamed. They do not follow the rules, the survey also revealed the vices of pedestrians

Czechs do not bother much with following any rules, so the results of the Safe on the Road project survey, which focused on the behavior of people in road traffic, are not surprising. “More than 200 drivers out of 350 respondents state that they regularly exceed the maximum speed limit of 130 km / h … Read more

In the Odessa region, a policeman was handed a suspicion of having committed an accident in which his colleague died

As a result of a traffic accident in Odessa, a 31-year-old passenger of a Hyundai Sonata car died on the spot, two more people were injured, the Odessa Regional Prosecutor’s Office reported. In the Odessa region, a patrol policeman was informed of a suspicion of an accident, in which a law enforcement officer died on … Read more

▷ C2FO supports companies with short-term instabilities in global supply …

04.03.2021 – 18:04 C2FO Kansas City, Missouri (ots/PRNewswire) Temporarily waives system setup fees to minimize disruption C2FO, the largest global working capital platform, announced today that it is ready to offer its secure online platform and diverse multinational funding network to help companies cope with the unexpected events currently happening in the supply chain finance … Read more

Transport, the best valued service in Alicante

The issues that are especially valued are the state of cleanliness and conservation of the buses Two of the questions They especially value the state of cleanliness and conservation of the vehicles, with 86% positive opinions. Follow him comfort when traveling, with 64% and access to neighborhoods with 62%. In 30 cities The sample of … Read more

The 3rd most expensive house in Spain is located in Pozuelo de Alarcón

19-02-2020. . has released its annual ranking of homes for sale with the most expensive prices in the country. On this occasion, it is not found in any of the large cities, neither Madrid nor Barcelona and it is the municipality of Marbella, in Malaga, which leads the ranking and where it is located … Read more

The monthly pass for Valladolid transport, cheaper than the average

The monthly bonus of the Valladolid municipal bus company (Auvasa) that will come into effect on March 1 will be, at its ordinary rate of 38 euros per month, slightly cheaper than average prices of Spanish cities with between 250,000 and 650,000 inhabitants that have this means of payment (38.55 euros), as well as the … Read more