Andreas Scheuer criticizes ADAC | TIME ONLINE

Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) has the ADAC criticized for his neutrality statements in the speed limit debate. “There is definitely no such thing as a ‘neutral’ waving through on this subject,” he told the Picture on Sunday, The many ADAC members who want to stay with the current, tried and tested regulation would … Read more

Head of United Transport Corporation arrested in Novikombank case of embezzlement

Tverskoy court in Moscow arrested General Director of the United Transport Corporation (OTK Group) David Tetro, accused of fraud, for two months Interfax with reference to the press secretary of the court Olga Bondarenko. David Tetro and his assistant Andrei Galochka were detained on January 23. According to the investigation department of the Ministry of … Read more

New evening of riots in New Caledonia, deputies undertake the constitutional revision

New evening of riots in New Caledonia, deputies undertake the constitutional revision

“A number of dozen rioters have been taken into custody and might be introduced earlier than the courts,” mentioned the Excessive Fee of the Republic in a press launch. New Caledonia is on fireplace: “The federal government took the danger of confrontation” In mainland France, the Nationwide Meeting adopted on the evening of Tuesday to … Read more