“Iron Deficiency and Fertility: The Importance of Meeting Iron Needs During Pregnancy Planning”

Iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia not only affects health conditions in general, but in particular, it also affects the fertility rate of men and women. So, if Mums and Dads are currently planning a pregnancy, it’s a good idea to routinely check iron levels in the body to increase the chances of a successful … Read more

“The Costly Toll of Israel’s Attack on Gaza: Daily Expenses and Economic Losses”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Hebrew Channel 13 reported that the Israeli attack on Gaza costs the army 200 million shekels ($55 million) per day, without counting the daily economic losses in Israel. The channel stated that the cost of one missile of the Iron Dome system is $50,000. On the other hand, the Palestinian Businessmen Association … Read more

“GeForce GTX 1650 Reigns Supreme: Valve’s Latest Stats on Gamers’ Most Popular Hardware and Software”

Valve published an update on the most requested hardware and software among gamers Steam. According to a monthly anonymous survey, which is conducted to find out which hardware and software users of the platform prefer the most, became the most popular video card in April again GeForce GTX 1650. Now she has a share 5,98% … Read more

“Mystery Solved: Inside the Liquid Core of Planet Mars Revealed, Save on Sulfur”

Revealed the Mystery of the Stomach Contents of Planet Mars, Save a lot of Sulfur. ©2023 Merdeka.com Reporter: Merdeka Merdeka.com – Using seismic data from the earthquake obtained using NASA’s InSight lander published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists have found that the center of the planet Mars contains a mixture … Read more

“NASA’s InSight mission discovers seismic activity and liquid iron on the planet Mars”

Illustration Planet Mars. ©Al Arabiya Reporter: Merdeka Merdeka.com – NASA’s InSight lander mission has detected seismic waves from earthquakes that have occurred on Mars and meteorites that have crashed into Mars over the past four years. These seismic waves are taken from a collection of sound waves that occur together when the vibrations move through … Read more

Scientists Discover Ancient Structures Surrounding Earth’s Core in Latest Study

After Hundreds Of Years, Scientists Know If The Earth’s Core Is Surrounded By Ancient Structures. YouTube/Factnominal Reporter: Merdeka Merdeka.com – Scientists believe that the shape of the Earth’s core is a large iron ball. However, new discoveries have shown that the Earth’s core is surrounded by unexpectedly ancient structures. According to a new study, published … Read more

Iron and Cement Prices Experience a Shock After Interest Rate Hike on Friday, March 31, 2023 – The Week in Review

Iron prices rose in the building materials markets, ranging between one thousand and two thousand pounds per ton, due to the rise of billet ore globally, recording $124 per ton. Black cement prices have recently risen, ranging between 50 and 100 pounds per ton, and the decline has returned to the situation, dropping between 20 … Read more

“Food Options for Preventing Iron Deficiency in the Body During Ramadan”

Posted by Rania Amer Friday, March 24, 2023 08:00 PM Many people are at risk of getting sick Anemia It results from a lack of iron in the human body, and this is due to malnutrition sometimes, or taking some medications at other times, and many individuals suffer from anemia during fasting during the month … Read more