The False Connection Between Mental Health and Distance from God in Friday Sermon Criticized by Public Health Expert

The False Connection Between Mental Health and Distance from God in Friday Sermon Criticized by Public Health Expert

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Ahmed Al-Ammar, a doctor specializing in public health, criticized the sermon of an imam and mosque preacher during Friday prayers yesterday regarding some people suffering from heart disease and depression due to distance from God. Al-Ammar said: May God guide him to the preacher’s Friday sermon. He said a lot of words … Read more

Causes and Factors of Unexplained Bruising: A Medical Overview

Causes and Factors of Unexplained Bruising: A Medical Overview

Hitting your hip on the corner of a table or hitting your head on a low ceiling can cause a bruise, but the cause of the bruise is sometimes unclear. In fact, some people are more prone to bruising than others, and in rare cases, bruises seem to appear for no reason at all. So … Read more

Canadian Ministry of Health Discloses Presence of SV40 DNA Sequence in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Raising Concerns of Potential Cancer Risk

Canadian Ministry of Health Discloses Presence of SV40 DNA Sequence in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Raising Concerns of Potential Cancer Risk

Exclusive translation: The Canadian Ministry of Health announced the presence of the DNA sequence of the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed, as some scientists say that this virus has the ability to cause cancer. “Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA … Read more

The Severe Dangers of Shingles for Women: More Intense Than Childbirth and Potentially Blinding

The Severe Dangers of Shingles for Women: More Intense Than Childbirth and Potentially Blinding

Al-Marsad newspaper: Consultant dermatologist, Dr. Najla Al-Dosari, revealed the dangers of “shingles” for women, describing it as more severe than the pain of childbirth and may cause blindness. Al-Dosari said on the Al-Rased program on Al-Ekhbariya channel that most people who suffer from shingles describe the pain as electricity, stabbings, or electrical vibrations. She pointed … Read more

Specialist Reveals Common Bread Causing Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Obesity

Specialist Reveals Common Bread Causing Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Obesity

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, a specialist in carcinogen research, revealed a common type of bread that causes insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity. Al-Khudairi said, during a tweet posted on his account on the “X” platform: Wheat flour bread, due to the improvements, may be one of the causes of insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity. … Read more

The Importance of Treating High Cholesterol at an Early Age: A Warning from Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr

The Importance of Treating High Cholesterol at an Early Age: A Warning from Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Consultant and Professor of Cardiology and Arterial Catheterization, Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, warned some young people of the danger of not treating cholesterol. Al-Nimr said on his Twitter account: “Some young people delay treatment of high cholesterol until after retirement, and this is a wrong and dangerous concept because it has been scientifically proven … Read more

The Indispensable Foods for a Healthy Heart: Experts Reveal the Key Nutritional Choices

The Indispensable Foods for a Healthy Heart: Experts Reveal the Key Nutritional Choices

Exclusive translation: Nutrition experts reveal the indispensable foods and staying away from them cause heart disease and other health risks. According to the British newspaper, the Daily Mail, experts stressed the need to eat dairy and its products “cheese”, in addition to fish, meat and nuts, as well as legumes and vegetables to ensure a … Read more

The Importance of Eating Fava Beans with Salad: Insights from an Egyptian Doctor

The Importance of Eating Fava Beans with Salad: Insights from an Egyptian Doctor

Al-Marsad Newspaper: An Egyptian doctor revealed the components of a healthy meal, warning against eating fava beans without salad because of the problems it causes to human health. And the doctor said in a video clip posted on the “Tik Tok” application: A spoonful of beans must be eaten with four spoons of salad, adding: … Read more

The Risk of “Disease X”: Experts Warn of a Looming Epidemic

The Risk of “Disease X”: Experts Warn of a Looming Epidemic

The “Russia Today” website stated that the World Health Organization maintains a list of “priority diseases” that could cause the next deadly epidemic. Most of the diseases on this list are already known to us, including Ebola, SARS, and Zika, but there are warnings of currently unknown pathogens that can cause what is known as … Read more

“The Dangers of Unlicensed Pharmacies: An Investigation into Medication Errors and Impersonators in Lebanon’s Health Sector”

“The Dangers of Unlicensed Pharmacies: An Investigation into Medication Errors and Impersonators in Lebanon’s Health Sector”

bitter Unnoticed news An investigation was opened by the Pharmacists Syndicate after the death of a patient as a result of the wrong medication being administered by Amer Al-Riz Alam El-Din, who was impersonating a pharmacist in the Minieh region. This incident, which opens the door wide to the abuses and violations recorded by Lebanon, … Read more