Dengue fever but does not break

Dengue fever but does not break

The dengue epidemic appears to be on the decline. However, the number of cases remains above the epidemic thresholds. A decrease in the estimated number of clinically suggestive cases of dengue seen in city medicine has been observed since the beginning of April, indicates Public Health France in its last epidemiological point. Nearly 115 cases … Read more

Holidays in France this summer? Restrictions at the borders “until June 15 at least” with European countries!

Holidays in France this summer? Restrictions at the borders “until June 15 at least” with European countries!

Posted on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 5:11 p.m. By Sudinfo with AFP — French ministers discuss the first measures of deconfinement this Thursday in France. – – There will be restrictions at the French borders “until June 15 at least” with European countries. For all other countries, the closure is maintained. More information in … Read more

Corona measures: Twelve CDU MPs call for border opening

Corona measures: Twelve CDU MPs call for border opening

politics “No more lattice fences” Prominent Union politicians call for an immediate opening of the border – – Status: 08:07 a.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes What did Merkel mean when she spoke of the “emergency mechanism”? – – Negotiations on corona easing were apparently extremely tough and difficult. Participants report that the Chancellor said … Read more

Lagerfeld was initially afraid of Choupette’s bacteria – world –

Lagerfeld was initially afraid of Choupette’s bacteria – world –

7.05.2020 05:02 (Act. May 7, 2020 5:02 am) – – – Choupette quickly won Lagerfeld’s heart © APA (dpa) – – – Karl Lagerfeld and cat Choupette – they have formed a media-effective duo for years. Model and singer Baptiste Giabiconi in his book “Karl et moi” (“Karl and I”) published in France reveals that … Read more

the Senate validates the “tracing” of the sick, subject to guarantees

the Senate validates the “tracing” of the sick, subject to guarantees

Limits to the exemption from medical confidentiality, supervisory body and individual right of opposition in certain cases: the Senate approved conditions Tuesday evening the creation of a “information system” to identify people infected with coronavirus and their contacts. The senators, a right-wing majority, adopted by 278 votes to 29, with 34 abstentions, the sensitive article … Read more

Chloroquine: “In this case, the state did not play its role”

Chloroquine: “In this case, the state did not play its role”

Professor Bernard Begaud, pharmacologist, former president of the University of Bordeaux, chaired the monitoring committee for clinical trials within the French Medicines Agency (ANSM) for more than fifteen years. He returns for Release on chloroquine, and points to the inconsistency and lack of coordination of the trials in progress. After three months of waiting, do … Read more

Victorin Lurel’s son found dead in his car – all the news from Martinique on the Internet

Victorin Lurel’s son found dead in his car – all the news from Martinique on the Internet

Fa Guadeloupe Monday May 4, 2020 – 7:05 p.m. Nicolas Lurel, the son of Victorin Lurel, was found in cardiac arrest in his car, at the Basse-Terre bus station in Guadeloupe. In the middle of the afternoon, the firefighters intervened to take care of the young man, aged about thirty years. The death was pronounced … Read more

The drastic measure that he took asylum in France to protect his elderly from the coronavirus

The drastic measure that he took asylum in France to protect his elderly from the coronavirus

Seeing that the coronavirus invaded the residences of seniors and sowed death, Valerie Martin she told herself that this would not happen in the nursing home that she manages in France. The measure she took to prevent the virus from infecting and killing the vulnerable elderly in her care was as drastic as it was … Read more

Air France – EU Commission approves billion dollar loan

Air France – EU Commission approves billion dollar loan

Airlines are suffering not only in Germany. Air France also needs government aid to survive in the Corona crisis. The EU Commission now allows loan aid of over seven billion euros. France can help Air France in the corona crisis with seven billion euros in the form of loan guarantees and a loan as a … Read more

[AFP] Viruses: bodies of victims transferred by private jet or cargo to the Holy Land

[AFP] Viruses: bodies of victims transferred by private jet or cargo to the Holy Land

Serge Bokobza’s family did not want him to be buried anywhere other than Jerusalem. So, on her death, she transferred her remains from France to the Holy Land despite the difficulties posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and at the cost of attending the burial by videoconference. Died of the new coronavirus, this Jewish doctor from … Read more