Can Exercise Really Reduce Stress and Anxiety? Expert Explains How

Can Exercise Really Reduce Stress and Anxiety? Expert Explains How

Previously, there was a debate in the foreign online world saying, “exercise” helpReduce stressandAnxietyIs it really possible? The origin of the story comes fromworking ageOne person came out and shared his own story. His life was quite stressful. But I’m a person who likes to exercise. which made him feel better But later he had … Read more

Having an anxiety disorder disrupts your daily life…

Having an anxiety disorder disrupts your daily life…

Consultant in psychiatry and mood disorders (depression) and anxiety, Dr. Muhammad Al-Yousef, confirmed that anxiety makes you feel rushed, makes you feel like you are running out of time, and narrows your options. Add an advertisement Comparing oneself to those around them negatively He added, because of it you feel that you have to get … Read more

The Effects of Chronic Nail Biting: Deformed Nails, Unattractive Appearance, and Psychological Consequences

The Effects of Chronic Nail Biting: Deformed Nails, Unattractive Appearance, and Psychological Consequences

A habit of biting your own nails when you’re stressed or thinking about something, causing your nails to be deformed, unattractive, and unsightly, leading to a lack of self-confidence. And if you are chronically biting your nails often and are unable to control yourself, you may be at risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. Key … Read more

The “Second Brain”: How Our Intestines Affect our Mental Health and Immune System

Key Points: The “intestinal” is known as the “2nd brain” of humans. It can work by itself. automatically decide and does not require the brain to command from the nervous system and can produce certain neurotransmitters linked to mental health “Serotonin” (Serotonin) is a neurotransmitter that is produced from the intestinal and gastrointestinal tract up … Read more

Reasons for Effortless Approaches – 7 Diseases Revealed

I wrote – Nada Sami: It’s normal to feel faint during strenuous physical activity, but when you’re at rest it’s a cause for concern, as it’s often a warning sign of a variety of illnesses. In the next report, The Consulto examines the reasons for the two approaches while resting, according to Medical News Today. … Read more

Perfectionist Everything in life can’t go wrong. but it could break your heart without knowing it!

Setting a goal at work or doing things in life that “everything must come to the best” is something many people try to do every day. fact, the “perfectionism” or Perfectionist It can become a double-edged sword that causes the mind to become tired and depressed in the long run. According to the American … Read more

Don’t take it lightly, these are symptoms of anxiety disorders in men

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Anxiety disorders o anxiety not always experienced by women, men can feel the same way too. Symptoms of the disorder emergency men are generally always the same as women. However, there are some possible reactions that vary from person to person. ANNOUNCEMENT Scroll to resume content Keep in mind that anxiety … Read more

Study of the drug “methylphenidate” … If used incorrectly, only side effects may remain

There is a drug that is quickly in demand as the university’s academic ability test approaches. This is methylphenidate, which is considered a “medicine to study well” among the parents of test participants. According to the report by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, between 2011 and 2016, 2.28 million people were prescribed methylphenidate … Read more

The main cause of depression in the elderly, “bereavement”, how to overcome it? … Director Kim Su-ro, Department of Mental Health [인터뷰]

According to a 2014 survey of seniors from the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, health and economic difficulties, disconnected relationships and loneliness were the main factors causing depression in the elderly. In particular, numerous articles point to loneliness as one of the main factors exacerbating depression in the elderly and, among these, the … Read more

Do survivors of anxiety disorder experience more anxiety when they have a fever, really?

Beauties, have you ever felt more anxious when you were sick? If so, then you are not the only one. Because, according to studies, anxiety gets worse when you’re sick, even if it’s just a fever, especially for those with an anxiety disorder. According to the research, the body’s immune response can affect our mental … Read more