Running Found to be an Effective Treatment for Depression, Comparable to Antidepressants

Running Found to be an Effective Treatment for Depression, Comparable to Antidepressants

Key Points: Research from the Netherlands reveals that “running” can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is as effective as using anti-depressants. Currently, the use of antidepressants affects the long-term health of patients. So the research team looked for other ways. That helps treat depression without using drugs. To reduce those side effects Although … Read more

Apple’s State of Mind: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care with the Health Application

Apple’s State of Mind: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care with the Health Application

Key Pionts: “State Of Mind” is a new feature of the Health application from “Apple” that helps take care of the mental health and process the emotional state of users. The highlight of State Of Mind is that it helps filter. “Depression” and “Anxiety” 24 hours a day. The State Of Mind feature allows users … Read more

The “Second Brain”: How Our Intestines Affect our Mental Health and Immune System

Key Points: The “intestinal” is known as the “2nd brain” of humans. It can work by itself. automatically decide and does not require the brain to command from the nervous system and can produce certain neurotransmitters linked to mental health “Serotonin” (Serotonin) is a neurotransmitter that is produced from the intestinal and gastrointestinal tract up … Read more