The marriage that triggered 177 cases of covid-19 and spread viruses through a prison and a home

A wedding in the small town of Millinocket, in the United States, gave rise to an outbreak of covid-19 that spread through a home and a jail, reached 177 people and killed seven. The case is now recalled in a publication by the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), which underlines “the importance … Read more

possible outbreak of “Italia’s Got Talent” –

Mara Maionchi was hospitalized after testing positive for Coronavirus. It wouldn’t be serious. The news was revealed by the TPI website, through Selvaggia Lucarelli. The journalist said that the popular record company, 79, is currently hospitalized in a well-known Milanese hospital and her condition does not seem to cause particular concern. According to the site, … Read more

which lower the R- value more

With a package of “lockdown-like” measures it is possible halve the reproduction index R in 4 weeks, which measures the transmission capacity of the virus. To say it is a study by the University of Edinburgh, Published on Lancet Infectious Diseases, which takes data from 131 countries. – Public events The authors compared the various … Read more

Covid in Italy, monitoring: “Acceleration in the evolution of the epidemic, national Rt equal to 1.17”

In Italy we are witnessing an acceleration in the evolution of the epidemic has now entered an acute phase with a progressive increase in the number of cases, evidence of criticality in local services and increases in the occupancy rate of beds in the intensive care and medical area which risk, in some regions and … Read more

Contagions and hospitals, the doctors’ alarm. Outbreaks in schools double

Double the double. The contagion is growing (also) in schools. In the last week there are 175 positive cases in Milan: there were 85 in the bulletin seven days ago, when the figure had already increased by another 50 percent compared to the previous week. Numbers that (for now) do not alarm the mayor Beppe … Read more

Sileri (Health): «File for tampons? Do more rapid tests, in all schools and by pediatricians and GPs “

Five thousand positive cases exceeded; a week ago they were less than half (2,499), Deputy Minister Sileri we went back to the April numbers, what is happening?Before answering, Pierpaolo Sileri, Deputy Minister of Health and surgeon also lists the more than a thousand new outbreaks identified thanks to tracing and the 387 patients hospitalized in … Read more

Covid in Italy, monitoring: “there is a risk of rapid deterioration”

A relaxation of the measures, in particular for events and initiatives at risk of aggregation in public and private places, and of individual behaviors, also linked to moments of impromptu aggregation, makes the risk of a rapid epidemic worsening concrete. To write it, in the weekly report on the situation of the Covid pandemic in … Read more

Coronavirus in Spain, the (almost) lockdown in Madrid: restrictions and controls for 850 thousand

It’s not a new lockdown yet, but something that looks a lot like us. From today, a Madrid, more than one in ten inhabitants will be able to leave the house “only for reasons of force majeure”. Namely: working, studying, shopping, caring for sick people. On the streets, at bus and metro stops, there will … Read more

Coronavirus Italy, monitoring: “Contagions on the rise and rise in the average age”

It confirms a increase in new cases reported in Italy for the seventh consecutive week with an incidence in the last 14 days (period 31 / 8-13 / 9) of 29.63 per 100,000 inhabitants.It is a trend more contained than that observed in other European countries, with 2,397 active outbreaks (+117) in almost all the … Read more