Ukraine – Statement by the spokespersons of the foreign ministries of France and Germany (3.04.21)

France and Germany are concerned about the increase in ceasefire violations, while the situation had stabilized since July 2020 in eastern Ukraine. We are following the situation with great vigilance, in particular the movements of Russian forces, and call on the Parties to restraint and to immediately de-escalate tensions. We reaffirm our support for the … Read more

The Enemy Cannot Win the War Against Iran Even in Dreams!

loading… TEHERAN – Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Iran , Major General Hossein Salami, boasted that enemy countries would not be able to win the war against Tehran, even in a dream. He also downplayed sanctions United States of America (US), which in his opinion has made Tehran more independent. General Salami … Read more

Since its foundation, Israel has captured 85 percent of the land of Palestine

loading… RAMALLAH – Israel, since its founding as a Jewish state in 1948, has captured 85 percent of Palestinian land in the West Bank. This data was announced by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) on the 45th anniversary of Palestine Land Day, yesterday (30/3/2021). Also read: US Pastor Killed by Men with His … Read more

First since Biden became President, the US helped Palestine Rp. 216 Billion

loading… WASHINGTON – The United States (US) government, for the first time since Joe Biden took office, sent aid worth USD15 million or more than Rp.216.3 billion to Palestine. The humanitarian aid is related to the handling of COVID-19 in the West Bank and Gaza. Also read: Biden initially laughed at the North Korean missile, … Read more

Lord Braithwaite Silences Israeli Fans with Brilliant Goals

Tel Aviv – Martin Braithwaite got ridicule from fans Israel when undergoing away games together Denmark national team. Lord Braithwaite responded with a brilliant goal. Denmark have their first match European Zone 2022 World Cup Qualification Group F against Israel at Bloomfield Stadium, Tel Aviv, Friday (26/3/2021) early morning WIB. This match can be attended … Read more

Islamic Party Surprisingly Wins Seat in Israeli Election

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Party Islam the conservative, Raam, surprisingly won the minimal votes to secure a seat in parliament Israel in the election, Tuesday (23/3). A tally of 90 percent of the vote shows Raam won enough support to secure five seats in the 120-member Israeli Knesset. The leader of Raam, Mansour Abbas, is … Read more

UN Human Rights Council Supports Israel Arms Embargo

loading… GENEVA – The UN Human Rights Council (HAM) approved a resolution calling for it arms embargo to Israel . The resolution received support from several countries Europe but rejected by Bahrain who previously supported the action. The resolution passed with support 32-6 and contains strong language against Israeli human rights practices. “Call on UN … Read more

Israel Threatens to Impose Economic Sanctions on the Palestinian Authority

loading… TEL AVIV – Israel threatens to impose economic sanctions on the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into Israeli war crimes committed in the territory Palestine . The threat was reported Arab48. “These sanctions will affect economic programs funded by international donors,” the report said. … Read more