– Rising Electricity Prices and Economic Challenges Spark Concern for Debt Collection Explosion

– Rising Electricity Prices and Economic Challenges Spark Concern for Debt Collection Explosion

(The online newspaper): – Economic challenges have taken a serious turn with a toxic cocktail of increased interest rates, high electricity bills and rising food prices. Debt collection adviser Geir Grindland tells Nettavisen. The debt collection company Kredinor went public on 1 December last year with a concern related to payment problems among its customers. … Read more

They confirm an increase in the price of electricity in Cuba for high consumers

They confirm an increase in the price of electricity in Cuba for high consumers

A week ago, the Cuban government presented a plan of economic measures for 2024 that includes price increases of some public services, such as electricity. This Wednesday, the Minister of Economy, Alejandro Gil Fernández, addressed the issue in the first of the Round Tables that will report on the new provisions. According to the minister, … Read more

Electricity will change the date of recording electricity meter readings

Electricity will change the date of recording electricity meter readings

(PLO) – Electricity companies in Hanoi will change the date of recording electricity meter readings to the last day of the month instead of stretching from the 3rd to the 20th of every month as currently. On October 10, Hanoi Electricity Corporation (EVNHANOI) provided information on the implementation of recording electricity meter readings. Accordingly, up … Read more

Chemistry Summit in the Chancellery: Addressing High Electricity Costs for Companies

Chemistry Summit in the Chancellery: Addressing High Electricity Costs for Companies

Chemistry summit in the Chancellery Will companies soon be relieved of high electricity costs? September 27, 2023, 5:57 p.m Listen to article This audio version was artificially generated. More info | Send feedback There is currently a heated debate about how the chemical sector can remain competitive in the face of high electricity prices. According … Read more

Energy Suppliers Lower Prices for Heating Season: September or October Discounts

Energy Suppliers Lower Prices for Heating Season: September or October Discounts

The heating season is slowly approaching and energy suppliers have started to reduce prices. Gas and electricity prices are being reduced by several companies. See how much the company will drop in September or October. OVER “At the beginning of the year, we promised that if it was at least somewhat possible, we would regularly … Read more

“Why Cheap Coal Might Not Be the Solution to Energy Issues – An Opinion Piece”

“Why Cheap Coal Might Not Be the Solution to Energy Issues – An Opinion Piece”

13 hours Edit But how? (5) any trouble? After all, coal (fine) for power plants and heat and power plants is said to be cheap in abundance (our rulers took care of it, after all;) by a strange coincidence, but it’s probably a coincidence that electricity has become more expensive for everyone, now restrictions for … Read more

“Long-Term Unemployed Receive Increased Citizen Money: Boosting Household Income”

“Long-Term Unemployed Receive Increased Citizen Money: Boosting Household Income”

Long-term unemployed get through the new citizen money since January significantly more money from the office! On average, there is 145 euros more per community of need than in the previous year, couples with children even get 255 euros more per month! According to performance statistics from the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the average household … Read more

More money for electricity from wind and photovoltaics

More money for electricity from wind and photovoltaics

The Federal Network Agency was only allowed by the legislator on December 15, 2022 to increase the maximum values ​​in its tenders to 25 percent instead of the previous maximum of 10 percent. The authority immediately made use of its greater leeway. In doing so, it wants to counteract the sharp decline in supply observed … Read more

100 euros more – now there are additional costs for electricity – economy

100 euros more – now there are additional costs for electricity – economy

In addition to the horrendous electricity and gas prices, there are now other price increases. Network costs are also rising rapidly. The Chamber of Labor (AK) warns of a further increase in electricity costs. Not only are energy prices rising immeasurably, but grid costs are also getting higher and higher. This price increase is particularly … Read more