Prevention in Germany – is a mouthguard effective at all?

The corona viruses spread worldwide. China has instructed more than 110 million people to wear face masks. In Europe too, more and more people are equipping themselves with it. But what do the masks bring? The fear of being infected with the coronavirus increases the demand for respirators. At the drugstore chain dm, they are … Read more

The United States is trying to develop a vaccine against the new Chinese coronavirus

On the live coronavirus The United States is trying to develop a vaccine against the new Chinese coronavirus Epidemic. Researchers at the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) have launched the development of a vaccine against the new coronavirus that has appeared in China. Its development should take several months, announced a senior health official … Read more

Named four substances that kill the liver

The liver is the main organ of metabolism and detoxification. If the liver suffers, then the whole organism suffers. It often happens that liver problems go unnoticed, since the pathological process is asymptomatic. Experts called four substances that can adversely affect the health of the liver. – Vitamin A or B3 Nutrition Supplements Vitamin supplements … Read more

Coronavirus: Airlines have to give German authorities precise seating plans

live Corona virus in Germany Airlines have to hand over detailed seating plans to authorities after landing – As of: 3:41 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes Why experts warn about breathing masks – – The number of corona infections has skyrocketed overnight. There are bottlenecks in the supply of breathing masks in pharmacies. Experts … Read more

Corona virus in Germany: 1. Human-to-human infection outside of Asia

Nationwide demand for breathing masks is increasing Concerns about the introduction of the novel corona virus are already increasing the demand for breathing masks in German pharmacies. No concrete figures are available yet, said Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations on Monday of the German Press Agency. A spokesman for the … Read more

Friday Magazine | 3 reasons to give “The Goop Lab” a chance

Some love, others hate: Gwyneth Paltrow. Of course, the actress has Hot guys like Brad Pitt gedatet, an Oscar for “Shakespeare in Love” won and always seems to live a perfect life. Then in 2008 she also has that Wellness website Goop including an online shop, the value of which is now around $ 250 … Read more

More callers for suicide helpline, number of suicides remains the same NOW

The number of people contacting 113 suicide prevention has tripled in the last three years. In 2019, 93,000 people contacted the helpline, both by telephone and by chat. The number of suicides in the Netherlands remained the same. The 113 Suicide Prevention Foundation has a message about this Faithful confirmed on Tuesday with The … Read more

First case in Germany confirmed – man infected in Bavaria

56 million people are quarantined in China. While the World Health Organization increased the level of risk, a first infection with the virus has now been confirmed in Germany. Coronavirus: Symptoms, transmission and origin of the disease refresh page 2.30 a.m .: In the meantime more than 100 virus deaths in China The infection with … Read more