The Most Deadly Diseases Revealed by WHO: Not What You Think

The Most Deadly Diseases Revealed by WHO: Not What You Think

Records can be original, ridiculous, funny and not so much. The latter include deadly diseases. The coronavirus pandemic, which was rashly compared to the “Spanish flu” that devastated lives at the beginning of the last century, is still fresh in people’s memories. Only coronavirus is not considered the deadliest disease. WHO, which studied mortality data … Read more

WHO Support for New Malaria Vaccine: A Historic Milestone in the Fight Against Diseases

WHO Support for New Malaria Vaccine: A Historic Milestone in the Fight Against Diseases

The picture of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization, will be linked for life to Covid-19. However, since the Ethiopian leader took over the reins of the international organization, progress has also been made in the fight against other diseases. Last Monday, without going any further, announced WHO support for a new … Read more

“WHO Advises Against Additional Booster Shots for “Medium” Risk Individuals in Light of the Coronavirus”

“WHO Advises Against Additional Booster Shots for “Medium” Risk Individuals in Light of the Coronavirus”

DThe World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend any further corona booster vaccinations for adults with “medium” risk. For this population group – if they have received their basic immunization and a booster dose – the benefit of another vaccination is low, explained the WHO vaccination experts on Tuesday. The UN Health Organization’s Advisory Expert … Read more

The WHO maintains the global emergency for countries that have “stuck” in the response

The WHO maintains the global emergency for countries that have “stuck” in the response

The Emergency Committee of the International Sanitary Regulationsmeeting at the request of the World Health Organization (WHO) last Friday, January 27, has agreed to continue considering Covid-19 as a a public health emergency of international concern. In this way, it is ruled out for the moment to attenuate the level of alert at a global … Read more

The bad omen of Pedro Cavadas on the Covid-19 vaccines that is fulfilled two years later

The bad omen of Pedro Cavadas on the Covid-19 vaccines that is fulfilled two years later

Related news to the surgeon Peter Cavadas it has been possible to criticize him for expressing an opinion in categorical terms about the vaccination strategy against Covid-19 without being an immunologist or epidemiologist. But what cannot be denied is his knowledge of healthcare problems in developing countries, where many of the patients he operates on … Read more

Ecologists denounce that Valladolid fails to comply with the new air quality standards

Ecologists denounce that Valladolid fails to comply with the new air quality standards

Ecologists in Action has denounced today that many cities in Spain, including Valladolid, fail to comply with the new guidelines of the World Health Organization about air pollution, the only scientifically recognized recommendations in the world on the quality of the air we breathe, compliance with which significantly reduces risks to people. Thus, the recommended … Read more

Corona live: Interior Minister Seehofer for simpler rules

Corona live: Interior Minister Seehofer for simpler rules

“Opening with security” in Tübingen: Green light for model project Despite high corona numbers nationwide, the state of Baden-Württemberg and the city of Tübingen want to test opening steps there from this Tuesday. According to information from Monday, the model project “Opening with Safety” is intended to gather experience of the possibilities that exist through … Read more

Corona live: Biontech delivers 10 million vaccine doses to the EU earlier

Corona live: Biontech delivers 10 million vaccine doses to the EU earlier

Thuringia stops granting vaccination appointments due to AstraZeneca delivery problems Due to drastic delivery problems of the AstraZeneca corona vaccine, Thuringia is temporarily stopping appointments for vaccinations and postponing the start of vaccinations for general practitioners. Thuringia’s Minister of Health Heike Werner (Linke) described the announced delivery cut as “absolutely unacceptable”, as Werner’s ministry announced … Read more

Corona live: Israel – Tel Aviv hospital closes last corona station

Corona live: Israel – Tel Aviv hospital closes last corona station

Thuringia stops granting vaccination appointments due to AstraZeneca delivery problems Due to drastic delivery problems of the AstraZeneca corona vaccine, Thuringia is temporarily stopping appointments for vaccinations and postponing the start of vaccinations for general practitioners. Thuringia’s Minister of Health Heike Werner (Linke) described the announced delivery cut as “absolutely unacceptable”, as Werner’s ministry announced … Read more

Corona, live: New investigation into the risk of infection in rooms

Corona, live: New investigation into the risk of infection in rooms

The risk of infection is so different in different rooms The length of stay in closed rooms is particularly decisive in the spread of the corona virus. The longer you stay in a room, the more aerosols are inhaled and thus the risk of becoming infected increases. This was shown by scientists from the TU … Read more