Tomáš Polák spoke about health problems

Tomáš Polák spoke about health problems

The frontman of the group O5 and Radeček has had a successful period behind him. In the fall, Tomáš Polák and his band scored points in the Golden Nightingale poll, and the singer of the Šumper band welcomed a third child into the world. At the same time, however, he struggled with protracted health problems, … Read more

New Algorithm for Antidepressant Sensitivity Developed at Amsterdam UMC

New Algorithm for Antidepressant Sensitivity Developed at Amsterdam UMC

ANP NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 06:00 The commonly used antidepressant setraline does not work for everyone with depression, but who does and who does not? Doctors can now determine this using an algorithm developed at the Amsterdam UMC. As a result, it is now clear after a week whether a patient is sensitive to the drug, while … Read more

Rising Mental Health Complaints Among Young People: The Search for Solutions

Rising Mental Health Complaints Among Young People: The Search for Solutions

Waiting lists are getting longer and mental complaints are increasing. The young generation in particular is struggling with their mental health today. Well-intentioned advice from the environment – ‘get some fresh air’ or ‘take an ice bath’ – often does not offer a sustainable solution, but people are also not always eager to use antidepressants. … Read more

What if you’re depressed after having a baby?… This kind of exercise 3 times a week is effective

What if you’re depressed after having a baby?… This kind of exercise 3 times a week is effective

1 in 8 suffers from postpartum depression… Prevention and treatment effects through exercise input 2023.12.02 17:30 Views 41 input 2023.12.02 17:30correction 2023.12.02 16:53 Views 41 Research results have shown that exercise is effective in preventing and treating postpartum depression, which can easily occur after giving birth. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Pregnancy and childbirth are very joyful and happy … Read more

Dangerous Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain: A Comprehensive List

Dangerous Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain: A Comprehensive List

Gaining weight is often a side effect triggered not necessarily by excessive and unhealthy eating, but also as a result of certain medications that can disrupt metabolism. Although less than 5% of overweight cases are caused by drugs, we believe that such a list of potentially dangerous treatments for the figure should be compiled, so … Read more

“Comprehensive Manual for Safely Reducing Antidepressants: Guidelines for Doctors, Pharmacists and Patients”

ANPFor all antidepressants there is now a manual on how to reduce. NOS News•today, 09:10 Sander Zurhake health care editor Sander Zurhake health care editor As of today, doctors, pharmacists and patients have access to a comprehensive manual to safely reduce the use of all antidepressants. Many doctors lack the knowledge to guide people in … Read more