6 Symptom of Rheumatism in Women to Watch Out for

6 Symptom of Rheumatism in Women to Watch Out for

Jakarta – Symptoms of rheumatism are generally characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. However, apart from these two signs, there are still a number of other rheumatic symptoms that need to be watched out for. Rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis is a condition caused by autoimmune disease, namely when the body’s immune system attacks … Read more

Natural Rheumatism Medicines in Jakarta for Relieving Pain and Inflammation

Natural Rheumatism Medicines in Jakarta for Relieving Pain and Inflammation

Jakarta – Rheumatism is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the muscles or joints. Usually, this inflammation causes pain that is so intense that it makes it difficult to move the inflamed joint. Rheumatism is often associated with rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, rheumatism is a layman’s term for various types of diseases related to … Read more

Preventing Rheumatism at a Young Age: Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention Tips

Preventing Rheumatism at a Young Age: Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention Tips

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 – 04:08 WIB Jakarta – Rheumatism occurs when muscles or joints experience inflammation and swelling. Rheumatism generally occurs in middle age, but young people can also get this disease. According to health data published by the Arthritis Foundation, environmental and genetic factors can put young people at risk for rheumatism. Rheumatism … Read more

Dangerous Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain: A Comprehensive List

Dangerous Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain: A Comprehensive List

Gaining weight is often a side effect triggered not necessarily by excessive and unhealthy eating, but also as a result of certain medications that can disrupt metabolism. Although less than 5% of overweight cases are caused by drugs, we believe that such a list of potentially dangerous treatments for the figure should be compiled, so … Read more

Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lymphoma: A Case Study

Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lymphoma: A Case Study

In recent years, the living habits of many of my friends have changed. In addition to going to work, they like to stay at home more in their spare time. Take a break at home, grab something to eat, and relax. Of course, his figure also improved step by step. As a result, another group … Read more

Moringa Leaves: A Natural Remedy for Various Diseases

Moringa leaves can treat various diseases. Moringa Leaves for Treating Herpes, Rheumatism, Worms, Kidneys, and Dark Spots. Photo: Antara Foto/Basri Marzuki MAGENTA – In ancient times, Moringa leaves were believed to have mystical powers. Moringa leaves are used to fight jinns and ward off black magic. Moringa leaves can also be used to release the … Read more

Understanding Immunity: How Acupuncture Can Help Strengthen Your Body’s Defense System

The hot summer is hot, the sun is shining, and everything grows, even bacteria and viruses are extremely active. If one is not careful, it is easy to be provoked by external infections, and Dona is one of them. Dona is a sick child. Whenever the seasons change or when the temperature varies greatly, she … Read more

Papaya Root: A Natural Treatment for Snake Bites and Rheumatism

Papaya tree illustration. Papaya Root Can Treat Venomous and Arthritic Snake Bites, Here’s How To Make It. Photo: Republika/Putra M. Akbar MAGENTA — This one plant can grow anywhere. Papaya scientific name Carica papaya L can be found in tropical, subtropical, wet, dry areas, even in the mountains. Papaya comes from southern Mexico and northern … Read more