Insomnia Sufferers for 10 Years at Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Study

Insomnia Sufferers for 10 Years at Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Study

People who have suffered from insomnia for 10 years have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Entered 2024.03.16 17:51 Entered 2024.03.16 17:51 Views 4,764 A study showed that people who suffered from insomnia for 10 years were 72 to 188 percent more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and frailty. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Low-quality … Read more

The Dangers of Relying on Sleeping Pills and Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication

The Dangers of Relying on Sleeping Pills and Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication

Many people may suffer from chronic sleep problems and frequently rely on sleeping pills. Without fixing the root problem, did you know? Frequently taking sleeping pills risks various health problems. First of all, you must understand that “Insomnia” is caused by many causes, including physical problems, health problems, and behavioral and mental and emotional conditions. … Read more

Refuse to be a medicine jar! It is easy to suffer from stiff neck, cold, fatigue, and insomnia… Eat the right nutrition to supplement the symptoms | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Refuse to be a medicine jar! It is easy to suffer from stiff neck, cold, fatigue, and insomnia… Eat the right nutrition to supplement the symptoms | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Li Hongdian/Reporting from Taipei ▲Nutritionist Gao Minmin said, don’t take medicine just because of any physical condition. Refuse to be a medicine jar! Nutritionist Gao Minmin said today (22nd) that you should not take medicine for any physical condition. For example, you should take painkillers for stiff neck, steroids for skin eczema, and sleeping … Read more

Side Effects of Melatonin: Expert Advice and Health Consultation

Side Effects of Melatonin: Expert Advice and Health Consultation

Jakarta – Question: For the past month, I have been taking melatonin medication because I always experience sleep disorders. If I continue taking this supplement like this, what are the side effects, doctor? Shanon (female, 28 years old) Answer: Inappropriate use of melatonin will cause side effects. Side effects of melatonin will occur with excessive … Read more

Dangerous Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain: A Comprehensive List

Dangerous Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain: A Comprehensive List

Gaining weight is often a side effect triggered not necessarily by excessive and unhealthy eating, but also as a result of certain medications that can disrupt metabolism. Although less than 5% of overweight cases are caused by drugs, we believe that such a list of potentially dangerous treatments for the figure should be compiled, so … Read more

Top Safe Sleeping Pills to Prevent Weakness: Insomnia and Body Weakness Causes

Top Safe Sleeping Pills to Prevent Weakness: Insomnia and Body Weakness Causes

RADARPEKALONGANDISWAY.ID – Taking safe sleeping pills is necessary to prevent the body from feeling weak. One of the causes of weakness and lethargy is lack of sleep. Make no mistake, insomnia has no impact on the body being weak. In fact, this weak body can be triggered by insomnia. When sleep quality decreases, blood deficiency … Read more