Wirecard scandal puts EY audit on the ropes

Global audit giant Ernst & Young (EY) is dragged down by the bankruptcy scandal of German online payment company Wirecard The issue is due to its deficiencies in accounts verification. Lawsuits have already been filed against the consultancy behind the bankruptcy this week from the electronic payment provider, which employs 6,000 people. The German shareholders … Read more

What do Argentines prefer to stop paying ?: debt ranking

Total family debt reached $ 1,905,119 million and affected 11.9 million households, equivalent to 86.5% of the total country The indebtedness stock of Argentine families grew 4.6% in June, pushed by “non-bank” debts, which increased 16.1%, so that almost nine out of ten families finished the month with commitments of pending payment, according to a … Read more

Former political prisoners will be able to buy dollars without limit and turn them abroad

They will be able to buy more than $ 200 a month. After the publication of the Communication, the monetary authority sought to clarify the situation The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic enabled all people living abroad who collect pensions as former political prisoners to buy dollars at the official price and transfer them … Read more

the new dates of the Hot Sale

The discount event that was to take place between July 6 and 8. However, it was postponed to new measures due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event of special discounts for electronic commerce operations, Hot Sale, which usually takes place in May, will take place on July 27, 28 and 29Or, announced today the Argentine … Read more

Why did you make the decision?

The Redmond giant decided to set aside its operations in physical stores. It affects multiple locations scattered around the world An unexpected tremor was felt this Friday in the world of technology: Microsoft announced that will close almost all of its stores in the world since the bulk of sales are made online. The firm … Read more

Why is Kicillof’s allusion to Antarctica true?

“Buenos Aires is the largest province in the country, if we do not count Antarctica,” said Buenos Aires Governor Axel Kicillof “Buenos Aires is the largest province in the country, if we do not count Antarctica”, said the Buenosairean governor Axel Kicillof as part of the announcement of the quarantine extension and in the networks, … Read more

“An unprecedented scandal” targets Ernst & Young

Global auditing giant Ernst & Young is highly complicated by the bankruptcy scandal of German online payments company Wirecard The global audit giant Ernst & Young (EY) is very complicated by the bankruptcy scandal of the German online payment company Wirecard, due to its deficiencies in the verification of accounts. Lawsuits have already been filed … Read more

Al-Khatib chairs Al-Ahly’s board of directors and club leaders in the funeral of Dirndali’s mother

Al-Ahly’s board of directors, headed by Mahmoud Al-Khatib, was keen to participate in the funeral of Al-Hajja Hoda Lutfi, a former board member and mother of Khaled Al-Dirandali, treasurer of the Red Fort. The mother of Khaled Al-Dirndali, the treasurer of the current Al-Ahly Club, died Friday morning after suffering from the disease due to … Read more

Senior US official concedes failure in coronavirus management: “Something is wrong”

The number of confirmed cases has been increasing at an even higher rate in recent weeks. – Lhe infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci, an American doctor, admitted in a Washington Post interview published on Friday that the United States should change its approach to stem the Covid-19 pandemic, which is resurgent in a large part … Read more

Al-Ahly announces the date of the regularity of Muhammad Mahmoud and Hamdi Fathi in group exercises

Continue: Muhammad al-Dakr and Islam Osama Syed Abdul Hafeez, director of football in Al-Ahly Club’s first football team, revealed the date of the regularity of Mohamed Mahmoud and Hamdi Fathi, the two-team red team, in group training. Abdel Hafeez said in statements carried by Al Ahly’s official website that Mohamed Mahmoud needs at most ten … Read more