Nairi Medical Center Expands Gynecological Oncological Services to Include Bhutanese Doctors

Nairi Medical Center Expands Gynecological Oncological Services to Include Bhutanese Doctors

The gynecological oncological service of the Nairi MC, being a certified European center, is expanding the geography of doctors who have undergone retraining in the service: EU countries, Iran, India, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine. Now Bhutan has joined them. Obstetrician-gynecologist Namku Dorja, in the course of increasing her knowledge in the field of gynecological oncology, was … Read more

18 years of life with a bullet inside the head, finally the foreign youth is relieved in Bengaluru, the surgery is successful!

18 years of life with a bullet inside the head, finally the foreign youth is relieved in Bengaluru, the surgery is successful!

Bangalore: A young Yemeni man who lived with a bullet in his head for 18 years is finally relieved. A three-centimeter-long bullet was removed through surgery at a private hospital in Bengaluru. A 29-year-old Yemeni man, Salai (not his real name), performed the surgery. The bullet was lodged inside the left temporal bone. The young … Read more

“I’m scared of pain before a cesarean section”…what is the best way to manage pain less?

“I’m scared of pain before a cesarean section”…what is the best way to manage pain less?

[수술 후 통증관리법㊤] A plan to reduce painless injections with many side effects…’Attention to CWI’ input 2023.11.21 17:01 Views 6 input 2023.11.21 17:01correction 2023.11.21 17:25 Views 6 [사진=게티이미지뱅크] We have entered an era where pregnancy is a ‘plan’ and delivery method is a ‘choice.’ In the past 10 years, caesarean section deliveries, which were previously … Read more

Neymar’s Recovery: Brazilian National Team Doctor Provides Update

Neymar’s Recovery: Brazilian National Team Doctor Provides Update

Sports Observatory: Rodrigo Lasmar, the Brazilian national team doctor, said that striker Neymar is recovering well from the knee surgery he underwent, but the date of his return to the field cannot be determined. Lasmar explained that the 31-year-old is responding “very well” to the recovery process, but will need a long period of physical … Read more

The Impact of Online Bookstores on Reading Habits and Book Purchases in Spain

The Impact of Online Bookstores on Reading Habits and Book Purchases in Spain

Online stores like Amazon have become a resource for readers, making it easier and faster to purchase books, especially for those who do not have as much time available to visit bookstores or libraries. From relieving sadness, helping to deal with anxiety, causing great emotions such as happiness, cultivating us and letting our imagination fly, … Read more

Former NatWest CEO Alison Rose to forgo 7.6 million pounds in additional remuneration

Former NatWest CEO Alison Rose to forgo 7.6 million pounds in additional remuneration

London, Nov 10 (EFECOM).- The former CEO of NatWest Alison Rose, who resigned in July following the controversy over the closure of a bank account of Nigel Farage, former pro-Brexit leader, will not receive the 7.6 million pounds (8.6 million euros) in additional remuneration to which he was entitled, the British bank announced today. Rose … Read more

Fall 2021 Anti-Aging Treatment Trends: Laser Pain-Free, Double Tight, Virtueye, Titanium Lifting, and Juve Look Volume Filled with Collagen

Fall 2021 Anti-Aging Treatment Trends: Laser Pain-Free, Double Tight, Virtueye, Titanium Lifting, and Juve Look Volume Filled with Collagen

Just like hair and makeup that change every season, there are trends in treatment as well. “What is the anti-aging treatment trend this fall?” We asked for help from experts who work to erase and prevent the signs of aging. Analyzing the answers that came back, it is as follows. Lasers that go beyond less … Read more

New Device with One Staple: A Medical Breakthrough in Gastric Sleeve Operations

New Device with One Staple: A Medical Breakthrough in Gastric Sleeve Operations

Al-Marsad newspaper: Obesity surgery consultant Dr. Nayef Al-Anazi said that there is a new device with one staple, which is considered a major medical breakthrough. Al-Enezi said during the Al-Rased program: It is common in gastric sleeve operations to use about 4 or 5 staples during one operation, sometimes more or less depending on the … Read more

Understanding Dolly Eyes and Bags Under the Eyes: Enhancing Cuteness or Fixing Problems?

Understanding Dolly Eyes and Bags Under the Eyes: Enhancing Cuteness or Fixing Problems?

Everyone wants to have beautiful eyes. And another trend that is currently popular is filling in the under-eye layers or dolly eyes that help make the eyes bright and cute like Japanese and Korean girls. But there are many people who want to fix the problem of bags under the eyes. So what is the … Read more

Jae-ah Lee, Daughter of Former Soccer Player Lee Dong-guk, Announces Retirement from Tennis

Jae-ah Lee, Daughter of Former Soccer Player Lee Dong-guk, Announces Retirement from Tennis

Money Today Reporter Jeon Hyeong-ju | 2023.09.09 07:00 /Photo = Jae-ah Lee’s Instagram Jae-ah Lee, tennis player and daughter of former soccer player Lee Dong-guk, leaves the court due to injury. Jae-ah Lee announced her retirement through her SNS (social network service) on the 8th. Jae-ah Lee said, “Today, I would like to announce my … Read more