Refuse to be a medicine jar! It is easy to suffer from stiff neck, cold, fatigue, and insomnia… Eat the right nutrition to supplement the symptoms | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Refuse to be a medicine jar! It is easy to suffer from stiff neck, cold, fatigue, and insomnia… Eat the right nutrition to supplement the symptoms | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Li Hongdian/Reporting from Taipei ▲Nutritionist Gao Minmin said, don’t take medicine just because of any physical condition. Refuse to be a medicine jar! Nutritionist Gao Minmin said today (22nd) that you should not take medicine for any physical condition. For example, you should take painkillers for stiff neck, steroids for skin eczema, and sleeping … Read more

“I’m scared of pain before a cesarean section”…what is the best way to manage pain less?

“I’m scared of pain before a cesarean section”…what is the best way to manage pain less?

[수술 후 통증관리법㊤] A plan to reduce painless injections with many side effects…’Attention to CWI’ input 2023.11.21 17:01 Views 6 input 2023.11.21 17:01correction 2023.11.21 17:25 Views 6 [사진=게티이미지뱅크] We have entered an era where pregnancy is a ‘plan’ and delivery method is a ‘choice.’ In the past 10 years, caesarean section deliveries, which were previously … Read more

The Importance of Water, Protein, Sleep, and Avoiding Painkillers in the Recovery Process After Muscle Injury

The Importance of Water, Protein, Sleep, and Avoiding Painkillers in the Recovery Process After Muscle Injury

Recovery process after muscle injury… Helpful with intake of sufficient water and protein, good sleep, avoidance of painkillers, etc. Entered 2023.11.01 18:00 Views 1 Entered 2023.11.01 18:00 Modified 2023.11.01 14:15 Views 1 Drinking plenty of water, using a foam roller, and sleeping well can help your muscles recover quickly after exercise.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]Exercise is essential for us … Read more

The Impact of Maternal Obesity on Children’s Risk of Asthma

The Impact of Maternal Obesity on Children’s Risk of Asthma

Tsang Jiacheng mentioned that overweight pregnant mothers may increase the risk of asthma in their children; the picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from shutterstock) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many pregnant women will take some nutritional supplements and adjust their diet to prevent their children from allergic constitution. In this regard, otolaryngology clinic physician Zeng Jiacheng quoted … Read more