Vaccinated Germans now have the privilege of traveling and shopping

– – Jens Spahn Photo: Reuters – Citizens vaccinated against coronavirus who have developed immunity will be able to shop without having to take a COVID-19 test and travel without quarantine. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Health of Germany Jens Spahn in an interview with “Bild am Sontag”, quoted by … Read more

Confinement. ? Vaccinated people free to move? No, cut it

The vaccination against Covid-19 does not completely eliminate the risk of contamination, which justifies maintaining travel restrictions for vaccinated people, decided on Board of state in an order published this Friday, April 2. Seized in summary by a resident of one of the first departments where travel was limited to 10 kilometers in mid-March, the … Read more

Scientists with a sensational discovery about K-19 and the flu

Doctors from the University of Michigan have found that those vaccinated against influenza are less likely to become infected with the coronavirus, said Deutsche says. The research team analyzed data from 27,201 patients from the US state of Michigan who were tested for COVID-19 by July 15, 2020. Of these, almost 13,000 have been vaccinated … Read more

Mothers vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna pass antibodies to their babies through milk

This study, carried out with a sample of 90 nursing mothers, one pregnant woman and nine unvaccinated mothers, shows that these two vaccines are effective and safe for mothers, since neither of them had any type of serious adverse reaction, and they protect the babies, who also did not present any problems. The head of … Read more

Invima authorizes the use of the Janssen vaccine, of only one dose, in the country – Government – Politics

President Ivan Duque announced Thursday that Invima authorized the emergency use of the Janssen vaccine, from the pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson, which only needs one dose. The first biologics are expected to arrive in May. (Can read: The outrageous statement of a congressman on gender equality) “With this we also hope that the massive … Read more

29 with K-19 after Pfizer vaccine in a nursing home in Opanets, no symptoms 24.03.2021 13:55; Diana Raynova – – – 29 people from the home for elderly people with dementia in the village of Opanets, Dobrich region, tested positive for coronavirus after being vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer / Biontech. This was announced for “24 Chasa” by Eva Dimitrova, director of the home. The total … Read more

Zelensky assured of the safety of CoviShield

Photo: Side effects of CoviShield in Ukraine were recorded in 0.5% of cases – – Only half a percent of the vaccinated Ukrainians complained about the side effects of vaccination, they say in the OP. In Ukraine, side effects from the COVID vaccine CoviShield were recorded in 0.5% of vaccinated people – all the … Read more

Sofia and 3 more districts with over 800 infected per 100 thousand, may not reach 10 days lockdown (Obzor)

Most have been in hospital since the beginning of the pandemic The Minister of Health: Elections will be held on April 4 and will be safe! Hundreds went to the mall for the last time this month in the capital over the two weekends before the new restrictions took effect. – 4th wave in the … Read more

More than 100 million coronavirus vaccinations received in the United States

Tens of millions of people have already been vaccinated in the US – – More than 35 million Americans are fully vaccinated, which is 10.5% of the total population of the country. The United States has passed the 100 million COVID-19 vaccine mark. It is reported by CBS News Saturday, March 13th. According to the … Read more