LIVE – Explosion in New York: the city wakes up, the latest news

An explosion of “intentional” origin last night. The explosion sounded around 8:30 p.m. local (2:30 a.m. in Paris), in a very lively district of New York and at a rush hour in the many bars and restaurants. The toll is 29 injured. A suspicious object found nearby. After the explosion, the demining services intervened on … Read more

Dentist Lee Soo-jin “A 27-year-old younger man who proposed marriage, broke up against her daughter… I still hurt my heart”

Dentist Lee Su-jin (53, photo) mentioned a 27-year-old man. Lee Soo-jin recently posted a video titled’Another 27 years younger…’ on her YouTube channel. In the released video, Lee Soo-jin said, “I have separated from my 27-year-old boyfriend, opposite of my daughter,” and said, “I still have a pain in my heart.” “I saw (Idol) NCT … Read more

Gastón Dalmau told details of the WhatsApp group of “Almost angels”

Paula Chaves took advantage of the fact that she had Gastón Dalmau in front of her, since he is part of “Masterchef Celebrity” and asked him what was really happening in the WhatsApp group of “Almost angels”. The participant tried to avoid the answer, but could not. “The administrator of this chat is not me … Read more

Kang Sung-hoon, a meaningful post… “I feel alive thanks to my fans,”

↑ Photo = Star Today Kang Sung-hoon said a New Year’s greeting to his fans with meaningful writing. Kang Sung-hoon said on his personal SNS yesterday (12th), “I am always reassuring because there are fans of Justice will prevail. I’m always happy with the fans, thanks to the fans, I always get refreshed and thanks … Read more

Double mouth mask can reduce virus transmission by 96.5 percent –

Wearing two masks on top of each other can reduce the transmission of the coronavirus by 96.5 percent. This is shown by research by the American CDC about which The Washington Post writes. It is the combination of a surgical mask and a fabric mouth mask. Not only others are better protected if an infected … Read more

[인사] Intellectual Property Office-Asia Economy

[아시아경제(대전) 정일웅 기자] ▲Speaker Lee Dae-won ▲Industrial Property Policy Manager Park Yong-ju ▲International Cooperation Manager Kim Jeong-gyun ▲Broadcasting Media Review Team Leader Kim Yong-woong ▲Patent Tribunal Referee Yoon Byung-soo (as of February 12) Reporter Jung Il-woong [email protected] >Please activate JavaScript for write a comment in LiveRe. – – .

Hair donation for International Childhood Cancer Day

Social Welfare of the City of Teguise has launched the awareness and sensitization campaign “Teguise + Solidaria” on the occasion of the International Day of Childhood Cancer, which is celebrated on February 15, with the aim of donating hair for the production of wigs . The initiative will last until mid-March. All those who want … Read more

Miracle pill for weight loss? Scientists speak of a ‘game-changer’ –

We all want him, that miracle pill that makes any diet unnecessary. But it has not been found so far. Although there is now a remedy that can help a lot to keep the number of calories consumed within bounds. It’s called semaglutide and is already used to treat type 2 diabetes. For one study, … Read more

British researchers discover new ‘worrisome’ corona mutation –

Another mutation of the coronavirus has been identified in the UK, which is worrying scientists. The so-called ‘Bristol variant’ has the E484K mutation, which makes the virus more contagious. This mutation had already been detected in the Brazilian and South African variants and was also recently identified in the British variant. The new Bristol variant … Read more

Notorious Prison Island: New York Shuts Down Rikers Island

Friday October 18, 2019 Notorious prison island New York closes Rikers Island – Up to 20,000 prisoners were temporarily held on the prison island Rikers Island off New York. Now the notorious detention complex is to be closed for good. But the alternative of moving smaller prisons in the city centers instead has met with … Read more