“I was ready to go to battle,” says Fanny Leeb

For the day of fight against cancer, the singer Fanny Leeb came to testify Tuesday, February 4 on RTL Soir to give a little energy to those who are fighting against disease. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2019. It is when she burns her chest with a cup of hot tea that … Read more

Reduce consumption of red and processed meat does reduce disease risk Science

A new study on meat consumption found that people who eat Red meat and processed have a higher risk of heart disease and premature death, which contradicts a recent investigation that suggests that reducing intake has few health benefits. Multiple findings can “Make it difficult for people to understand what may seem to be contradictory … Read more

What are the foods that provide more fiber to our body?

Believe it or not, legumes They are one of the richest foods in nutrients and fibers, being very healthy to include in a balanced diet. In addition, they reduce cholesterol, prevent colon, breast and lung cancer. – Therefore, Bio Trendies indicates which are the most nutritious legumes and how many fibers each one contains per … Read more

4 tips to reduce risks

“There is no life without cancer possible. It is theoretically impossible.” The president of the League against cancer, Axel Khan, draws up an irrevocable observation: the cancer will not be eradicated, and even if the medicine progresses, this will not prevent people from getting sick. On the other hand, “40% of cancers are preventable” according … Read more

Coronavirus: Canadian plane has to turn around because of joke

“I’m much more afraid of the flu” According to the doctors, the two patients at the Frankfurt University Hospital who were infected with the coronavirus were isolated. They are fine. They could take normal food and get no infusions or other medication, clinic doctors said at a press conference on Sunday. The virus was detected … Read more

Briton claims to have been treated with whiskey and honey

His name is Connor Reed, 25, and teaches English in Wuhan, China. After contracting the coronavirus, the young man decided to leave the hospital for take care of himself. This Brit says, what cured him of the coronavirus is a mixture of hot whiskey and honey. Hospitalized two months ago in Wuhan, the epicenter of … Read more

Coronavirus: mortality rate in Wuhan twice as high as in the rest of China

“I’m much more afraid of the flu” According to the doctors, the two patients in the Frankfurt University Hospital who were infected with the coronavirus were isolated. They are fine. They could eat normally and would not get any infusions or other medication, clinic doctors said on Sunday at a press conference. The virus was … Read more

“Don’t Walk Around” Drones Persecute Chinese Health

4.02.2020 06:16 (Act. 4.02.2020 06:16) – – – Fighting the corona virus: Drones are now chasing people without mouthguards. © YouTube – – – Coronavirus: Police drones chase Chinese on the street who don’t wear face masks. In the fight against lung disease, the Chinese police are apparently also using drones to persecute individuals who … Read more

Our diet influences mental health – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

Diet also affects mental health and well-being Numerous scientific studies have been carried out in recent years, which have shown how important the right nutrition is for human health. There are now indications that eating affects not only physical but also mental health. There is increasing evidence in the scientific community that nutrition affects not … Read more