▷ City posters as art prints: Lieferlokal.de

01.12.2020 – 11:35 Delivery room UG LeverkusenLeverkusen (ots) – Künstlerisches Bekenntnis zur eigenen Stadt als Gegenpol zur globalen und virtuellen Welt – Die liebste Stadt in den eigenen vier Wänden – oder alle Städte, die man liebt At a time when everything seems to be global and virtual, the artists Jörg Tacke and Pero Dordic … Read more

▷ Partner program: Chambers of Commerce cooperate with B2B platform provider Visable to …

16.11.2020 – 10:15 Visable GmbH – – Hamburg Hamburg (ots) Government agencies and chambers of commerce around the world support SMEs in their export business, for example by awarding trade fair appearances. The worldwide transport of complex trade fair goods to the respective event location is, however, a costly affair and, in times of growing … Read more

New way of shopping in China

Shanghai The sale of goods via live streaming on mobile phones has become the “new normal” in China’s e-commerce playing field. The Spanish ambassador to China Rafael Dezcallar presents products from Spain On Saturday evening, around 30 million Chinese people watched a live broadcast of the presentation and sale of goods imported from European countries … Read more

JD.ID RIlis Features Nearby Shops, Make it Easy for Customers to Shop from the Nearest Stores

Platform e-commerce JD.ID launching features new named ‘Nearby Shops’ for its web and mobile app. Features this allows the partners brand and seller (starting from UMKM to brand large scale) to be able to register stores and their locations, which the system will then provide exposure to the stores by displaying a list of stores … Read more

How small online shops can hold their own against Amazon and Co.

Smaller online shops often don’t have an easy time of marketing when it comes to marketing. Not only do high click prices for advertisements make some retailers sweat, but strong competition for lucrative keywords in organic search is initially a deterrent. This is one reason why classic search engine optimization as a marketing channel is … Read more

Tokopedia Boss Reveals the Biggest Problem Faced by MSMEs when Selling on E-commerce

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the perpetrators UMKM forced to find a way to survive and develop his business. One of the ways is to enter the digital market and make sales on the platform e-commerce. It’s just that selling on e-commerce is not as easy as it seems, because there are several … Read more