Business Failures Accelerate in 2023: 36% Increase with Nearly 58,000 Procedures Initiated

Business Failures Accelerate in 2023: 36% Increase with Nearly 58,000 Procedures Initiated

+ 36% with nearly 58,000 procedures initiated in 2023. Credit: DR After the Covid period, the war in Ukraine and the surge in inflation, business failures accelerated in 2023. + 36% with nearly 58,000 procedures initiated and the curve even accelerated in the 4th quarter. And among the most affected regions is Occitanie. VSEs concerned … Read more

Golf tourism will rebound strongly in Vietnam

Golf tourism will rebound strongly in Vietnam

According to travel magazine Drift Travel Magazinethe golf industry in Central Vietnam is heading for a year of strong recovery, with tourists returning with enthusiasm. >> Golf tourism in Vietnam, a great attraction after the COVID pandemic >> The under-exploited potential of golf tourism in Vietnam >> The potential of golf courses in Quang Ninh … Read more

Full-Ferns. An increase in taxes to invest in the future

Full-Ferns.  An increase in taxes to invest in the future

On Friday, the community council met under the chairmanship of Denis Rapinel. Two main slips were on the table: administrative and management accounts, and budgetary guidelines. Before giving the floor to Marie-Jeanne Codet-Ruellan, head of the resources department for the presentation of the 2020 financial year, the vice-president in charge of finance, François Mainsard, explained, … Read more

the 18,000 “forgotten” agents will receive the increase of € 183 per month

the 18,000 “forgotten” agents will receive the increase of € 183 per month

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced on Thursday an agreement with three hospital unions to extend the increase of 183 euros net per month from June 1 to 18,000 agents who remained on the sidelines of the Ségur de la santé. This “new majority agreement” was signed with FO, CFDT and Unsa, he said … Read more

here are plans B and C which are ready in the event of a sudden increase in the number of contamination due to variants

here are plans B and C which are ready in the event of a sudden increase in the number of contamination due to variants

Posted on Friday January 15, 2021 at 11:53 am — While there is no reason to panic now, the experts are ready and have already presented their plans to the country’s authorities. – – The new variants of the coronavirus which are gradually spreading within the Belgian population worry experts and authorities. If this is … Read more

Four unions demand a “general increase in salaries” in the service

Four unions demand a “general increase in salaries” in the service

Trade unions CGT, Autonomous Federation, FSU and Solidaires of the Public Service are not satisfied with the bonuses and allowances announced by the government in public service. We repeat it forcefully: because they are unfair, because they only concern a minority of agents, because they do not increase remuneration in a sustainable manner, because they … Read more

USA: New York records sharp increase in deaths in one day

USA: New York records sharp increase in deaths in one day

In one day, 731 people have died in this state which now has 5,489 deaths since the start of the crisis. – LNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo noted that the average three-day hospital stay is declining, indicating that the state “is plateauing in total hospital admissions.” But the death toll in New York continues to … Read more

two very specific age groups concerned, according to Yves Van Laethem

two very specific age groups concerned, according to Yves Van Laethem

Posted on Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 5:14 p.m.— According to reports from Sciensano, while the number of deaths and hospitalizations is decreasing in Belgium, cases of infections are starting to rise again. The new cases of contamination concern two very specific age groups according to Yves Van Laethem. – – The number of contaminations … Read more

Coronavirus: 92 infections on average per day in Belgium, a slightly increasing figure

Coronavirus: 92 infections on average per day in Belgium, a slightly increasing figure

With a daily average of 92 new infections last week (compared to 87 on average for the previous week), an increase of 6% is recorded. – Che Saturday (and before two days of interruption), Sciensano communicated its daily report. As stated previously, the reports are now focused on trends rather than daily figures, “in order … Read more