Seven Animals that Breathe Using Lungs: Frogs and More

Seven Animals that Breathe Using Lungs: Frogs and More

JAKARTA – At least seven animal known to breathe using lungs. Unlike humans, the lungs in animals have a different level of perfection. Animals that breathe using lungs are animals that take oxygen from the air and emit carbon dioxide through organs called lungs. The lungs themselves are air sacs that have many blood vessels … Read more

The Influence of Food on Offspring’s Brain Protection and Metabolism: New Study Revealed

The Influence of Food on Offspring’s Brain Protection and Metabolism: New Study Revealed

Jakarta – Who would have thought that what we eat today can affect our children and grandchildren in the future. A new study of animal gestation adds to evidence that the mother’s environment can influence the metabolism of her offspring in the long term. The study of this intergenerational effect was first observed in 1909 … Read more

The Mysterious Island of Aspidochelone: An Unsolved Enigma in Greek Mythology

The Mysterious Island of Aspidochelone: An Unsolved Enigma in Greek Mythology

The mysterious island formed in the animal’s body contains wild forests and rocks called Aspidochelone, which is still unsolved to this day. PHOTO/ USOLVED CAIRO – In Greek mythology Aspidochelone believe there are giant turtles and whales whose back resembles an island. The mysterious island formed in the animal’s body contains wild forests and rocks … Read more

The 5 Strangest Animals in the World: From Ghost Sharks to Saiga Antelopes

The 5 Strangest Animals in the World: From Ghost Sharks to Saiga Antelopes

The strangest animal in the world has a unique and rare shape. Photo: ist JAKARTA – The animals in the world have diversity the extraordinary, from giant mammals to the tiniest insects. However, among this diversity, there are some animals that really grab our attention because of their extraordinary uniqueness. They are the strangest animals … Read more

Why Did T-Rex Have Small Arms? The Evolutionary Explanation

Why Did T-Rex Have Small Arms? The Evolutionary Explanation

Jakarta – Tyrannosaurus rex or T-rex is known as the most ferocious dinosaur and has the strongest bite among all animals that have ever walked on land. However, judging from its shape, T-rex has very small hands compared to its body. Why? Despite being extinct, T-rex is known to have lived in the wilderness at … Read more

How Kangaroos Move and Walk: Exploring the Unique Abilities of Kangaroo Legs and Tail

Kangaroo. ©2018 Reporter: Merdeka – Kangaroos are synonymous with jumping animals. With their hind legs, kangaroos can jump long distances. While the front legs, used to take food. Although often seen jumping, kangaroos can also walk. Usually kangaroos walk using their forelegs and hind legs, assisted by their tails. One of them while … Read more

Pandas Xiao Xiao and Lei Lei Celebrate 2nd Birthday at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo

Pandas Xiao Xiao and Lei Lei Celebrate 2nd Birthday at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo

Xiao Xiao and Lei Lei, the adorable twin pandas from Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo, celebrated their second birthday on June 23. The occasion was marked with great excitement as fans gathered in front of the zoo even before it opened, eager to catch a glimpse of the playful pandas. The twin pandas were seen having a … Read more

The Importance of Avoiding Animal Fats in Certain Health Conditions

Consultant and Professor of Cardiology Advises on Prohibited Categories of Animal Fats In a recent statement, Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, a renowned Consultant and Professor of Cardiology and Arterial Catheterization, highlighted the importance of being mindful of the types of animal fats consumed. While addressing his followers on Twitter, he specifically advised individuals suffering from obesity, … Read more