Drug courier arrested at Zurich Airport

Drug courier arrested at Zurich Airport

Drugs – A tourist was caught at Zurich airport on Friday with around four kilograms of cocaine in her suitcase. The 44-year-old Brazilian had entered from São Paulo and was noticed by the police during immigration control. During the inspection, the officials suspected that the woman might be a drug courier, the Zurich canton police … Read more

Mystery of the disappearance of Celebrity Gabby Petito while on an adventure with her fiancé, her body was allegedly found in the park

Mystery of the disappearance of Celebrity Gabby Petito while on an adventure with her fiancé, her body was allegedly found in the park

Gabby Petito (22 years) decided to travel in a van which will be documented on social media since last July along with her fiancé, Laundrie (23 years). Reportedly for this trip, Gabby was willing to quit her job. Gabby has been engaged since 2020 and has lived at Brian’s family home. Copyright: instagram.com/gabspetito/pit – .

“We will reward you generously, but we want the Vlaams Belang on board the government”

“We will reward you generously, but we want the Vlaams Belang on board the government”

Posted on Friday, June 26, 2020 at 10:22 p.m. By Pauline Govaert — Gwendolyn Rutten, former president of the Open VLD, guest of the VRT program De Afspraak, explained that the N-VA had tried to form a coalition with Vlaams Belang last year during negotiations for the formation of a Flemish regional government. – – … Read more

Sunrise strongly wants to develop its own fiber optic network

Sunrise strongly wants to develop its own fiber optic network

Zurich (awp) – After the failure of the takeover of UPC Switzerland, the owner of Sunrise André Krause wants to invest in networks. “We want to reach 60% of the population with fiber optics, today we are at 35%,” he said in an interview with NZZ am Sonntag. Sunrise currently leases the networks of municipal … Read more

Maggie De Block argues for more liveable safety measures, “We want people to be able to get out, move and ride a bike”

Maggie De Block argues for more liveable safety measures, “We want people to be able to get out, move and ride a bike”

Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 9:16 p.m. Through Sudinfo with Belga — Health Minister Maggie De Block (Open Vld) spoke out on Thursday against any restrictions on bicycle travel as long as cyclists keep sufficient safety distances between them. – – “All of this (health security measures, note) must remain livable”, she pleaded … Read more

“We do not want a Fourth Reich”: 18,000 anti-Nazi demonstrators in Germany

“We do not want a Fourth Reich”: 18,000 anti-Nazi demonstrators in Germany

Banners proclaimed: “We do not want a Fourth Reich” or “We do not want power at any cost”. – Dhe thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday in Erfurt, the capital of Thuringia in the former GDR, where the election of the region’s leader by the far right caused a political earthquake in Germany. Some 18,000 … Read more

“We don’t want to start a war with Iran,” says Donald Trump.

“We don’t want to start a war with Iran,” says Donald Trump.

Posted on Friday, January 3, 2020 at 9:55 p.m. Through AFP — US President Donald Trump said on Friday he was not seeking “regime change” in Tehran after the elimination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, while warning against “terrorists” who attack the Americans. – – Claiming to have acted to “stop” a war, not to … Read more