FDP party leader: Christian Lindner’s authority has been damaged

FDP party leader: Christian Lindner’s authority has been damaged

Dhe escalation in the party headquarters had already become apparent months ago: after Thomas Kemmerich, the top candidate of the FDP in Thuringia, was elected short-term minister-president in February with votes from the AfD, Christian Lindner and Linda Teuteberg are said to have rifted led to the break, it is said from circles of the … Read more

Coronavirus suspicion not confirmed in CDU politicians

Coronavirus suspicion not confirmed in CDU politicians

The second attempt at a prime minister election in Thuringia threatened to burst before it started. But now the authorities have given the all-clear: The coronavirus suspicion among a CDU politician is gone. All information in the news blog. On Wednesday, the state parliament in Thuringia makes a new attempt to elect a prime minister. … Read more

In the case of corona, election is postponed

In the case of corona, election is postponed

The second attempt at a prime minister election in Thuringia threatens to burst before it begins. There is a suspected corona case in the CDU parliamentary group. If he confirms, the choice is postponed. All information in the news blog. On Wednesday, the state parliament in Thuringia makes a new attempt to elect a prime … Read more

Parties cannot find a solution to the new election question

Parties cannot find a solution to the new election question

The “Gordian knot” in Thuringia – the CDU politician Lieberknecht should help the left Ramelow. But there is further controversy in Erfurt about the path to new elections and a transitional government. The Linke, SPD, Greens and CDU in Thuringia have not yet agreed on a transitional government under CDU politician Christine Lieberknecht despite negotiations … Read more

Jens Spahn does not rule out “team solution” TIME ONLINE

Jens Spahn does not rule out “team solution” TIME ONLINE

In the debate about the CDU presidency, health ministers Jens Spahn for one possible team solution even with yourself as a second force behind Friedrich Merz or Armin Laschet open shown. “I don’t include or exclude anything now,” said Spahn to a corresponding question in the ARD broadcast Report from Berlin, After this announced withdrawal … Read more

Thuringia: FDP leader Lindner apologizes for election with AfD votes

Thuringia: FDP leader Lindner apologizes for election with AfD votes

Kretschmann announces more offensive course against AfD Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) announced a more offensive course against the AfD after the events in Thuringia: “I fear that the reputation of the democratic parties has been damaged overall by the behavior of the CDU and FDP in Thuringia”. And further: “And that is exactly … Read more

“Anne Will” – Kühnert: “70 years of democratic consensus thrown overboard”

“Anne Will” – Kühnert: “70 years of democratic consensus thrown overboard”

GThomas Kemmerich (FDP) was officially in office for three days. He was not only the first FDP prime minister in Thuringia. But also the first Prime Minister in Germany who was supported by the AfD. A prime minister, legitimized and dependent on a right-wing populist party? That is not possible, say the other parties. Since … Read more

After Thuringia election: CDU man in Saxony-Anhalt for cooperation with AfD

After Thuringia election: CDU man in Saxony-Anhalt for cooperation with AfD

Kretschmann announces more offensive course against AfD Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) announced a more offensive course against the AfD after the events in Thuringia: “I fear that the reputation of the democratic parties has been damaged overall by the behavior of the CDU and FDP in Thuringia”. And further: “And that is exactly … Read more

“Got into a tactical trap”: Lindner accuses AfD of unscrupulousness

“Got into a tactical trap”: Lindner accuses AfD of unscrupulousness

Sunday February 9, 2020 – The election of FDP politician Kemmerich as prime minister in Thuringia triggers a political quake. After all, AfD votes were jointly responsible for the election victory. Liberal leader Lindner admits that he underestimated the right-wing populists and sees the move as a tactical move. After the election and the later … Read more

Thuringia: CDU MP raises serious allegations against Mohring

Thuringia: CDU MP raises serious allegations against Mohring

Germany Accusation by a deputy Mohring is said to have concealed Kramp-Karrenbauer’s concerns – – As of: 10:01 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes So it goes on in Thuringia – – The CDU and FDP in Thuringia are in free fall, according to current polls. At the federal level, there is further discussion among … Read more